Bring Marshmallows...
There IS a "Special Place in Hell" for People who vote for Idiots.
It's called "America".
After her campaign garnered just four per cent of the vote in the New Hampshire primaries, Carly Fiorina has announced that she has suspended her run to be US commander in chief, but will carry on campaigning. "I've said throughout this campaign that I will not sit down and be quiet. I'm not going to start now," she said in a …
@AC - While I admire your defence of your country, I am somewhat dismayed that you did so as an Anonymous Coward. Surely the pride you feel warrants the use of your regular handle, does it not?
As for the OP, just do what I do. Every time you see his handle, think of his namesake, Lord North. That would be Frederick North, 2nd Earl of Guilford, Prime Minister of Great Britain from 1770 to 1782.
If, as I believe, you are an American, that should bring a very large smile to your face.
Jesus Christ, what an asshole. For at least the first four months of her "campaign," she decided that she needed to have a pissed-off look on her face each time a camera was aimed in her direction. What was she pissed off about and who was her role model for this behavior? Yeah, no one knows and no one cares.
Seriously, somebody really needs to work on the documentation of that movement, it's really ambiguous right now.
It's not ambiguous, as such. What you see is what happens to any movement consisting of many people over many years: a number of different viewpoints and different groups emerge, and people outside the movement can come to have different opinions on it perhaps depending upon which viewpoint they've most recently seen or which seems to them the most vocal. The trick is not to mistake one part for the whole, and throw out the principle that there should be no discrimination on the grounds of sex just because you don't like the way one group expresses itself. After all, other groups in the movement may not like the way one group expresses itself either, but there's no Leviathan to enforce a single point of view upon all and nor should there be.
I neither know nor care what she's professed herself as - that slime has no clue about feminism, or anything-else-ism. She's a disgusting brainless turd with no clue about anything. And - dread - who knows what her next trick will be, after they wafted her stink out of (a) ATT (b) HP (c) cal senate race and now (d) god help us the republicans primaries?
Maybe I should send the Reg a note so they check what she screwed up before HP? Anybody remember how she turned Lucent into a debt-ridden quagmire, just escaping to HP before that bubble burst, basically starting to total implosion of the telecoms market?
She and her ilk, Henry Schacht and Rich McGinn decided it was a brilliant idea to lend out money in the order of hundreds of millions of $ to companies with a single digit million revenue (Winstar anyone?).
I remember, because I was employed there. I also witnessed many folks in the US, who worked for it for decades (starting under the former AT&T name) losing their entire 401K plan and being forced into "management plan" retirement with not a penny in their pocket, while this Carly witch walked out rich, on the way to ruin HP.
Blergh. Carly.
Well there's at least one lie in that post:
losing their entire 401K plan
You can't lose your entire 401K plan. That's it's big benefit over a pension. Any money YOU put in the plan is yours. You also can't lose your vested money. You can only lose whatever unvested part of it exists.
A woman who thinks actually being to the right of Sarah Palin is acceptable and who can be pro feminist and anti abortion in the same breath belongs on the rubbish bin of history.
Actually stooping below the level of most of the other male republican candidates is a massive triumph for Women's rights - not.
Nasty piece of work.
I doubt it. I don't see Fiorina as a particularly useful running mate. What does she bring to the ticket? She's a woman, but ideologically she doesn't bring any significant diversity to any of the front-running men, most of whom already have the "rich white idiot good at losing other people's money" category sewn up. She has a horrible track record at actually attracting voters; the longer she campaigns, whether it's for the Senate or the Presidency, the less they like her.
She's not likely to give the Republicans California, which hasn't gone Republican in a presidential election since Bush I. That's not to say they couldn't take it this year, but if so, it wouldn't be because of Fiorina.
The GOP will try to force whoever secures the nomination to take one of the other front-runners as running mate, in order to paper over an acrimonious campaign season; or they'll pick someone who's likely to help in a region where the nominee is weak. In the latter case they may well go with someone relatively obscure, again to help voters forget about the nastiness of the primary campaign. With most of the likely nominees, they could really use someone with some gravitas, though the idiotic anti-incumbency they've fostered makes it hard to pair the nominee with anyone who has useful experience.
Edit: Meant to add that the idea of her getting a cabinet post, as suggested in the article, is even more bizarre. While Trump, in particular, is a nitwit, I can't see even him making that mistake.
(And I'll add proleptically that I find plenty to dislike on the other side too. But that's a rant for another time.)
Habitual liar, track record of screw ups, able to hold 2 views totally at odds (pro feminism, anti abortion, though her idea of feminism seems not to match any "normal" version), no morals / compassion.
Top political qualifications (which is a sad comment on politics)
You mean, like fighting against those pig-headed nitwits who never change their opinion even when they have been publicly demonstrated to be wrong ?
Well if it takes one to know one, she's certainly on track to succeed in finding them.
another was forced to resign after passing classified information to his mistress. Fiorina said she stood by her statement.
Given the general was forced out for far less serious offenses than the ones $Hrillary committed and that the general was decried but 0bamaphiles with the name General Betrayus long before the mistress scandal was revealed, she still has a valid claim on that one.
I suspect the other one you are trying to discredit was the one was widely expected to be renewed as an apolitical appointment and which The Big 0 politicized by not doing so.
I'm still happy to see her gone from the campaign trail, but I will give credit to the lady where it is due.