Re: How would it work?
>The fact your business also operates in France...
That's what I'm suggesting though, if facebook decided not to operate in France, their site would still be used by French people.
>Or do you mean US has no right to pursue drug gangs in Mexico and other countries like those because they just sell drugs to people reselling them in the US?
No, they don't have that right. They do get invited in by the Mexican government because Mexico wants to be on good terms with the US, and of course the drug gangs aren't operating legally in Mexico either.
>Maybe what you do is legal in the US, but if it is not legal here you can't do it - just alike the "canadian pharmacies" - is selling something is legal in Canada, can you still sell it in the US from Canada?
The equivalent here, is a US citizen going to Canada, buying and taking some drugs in Canada and the US deciding to prosecute the pharmacy.
> I find funny the idea the US jurisdiction is worldwide, while US citizen and companies would like to happily ignore other jurisdictions because they're in the US...
I don't think US jurisdiction should be worldwide either, and actually the Assange thing shows that it isn't. They've had to play some pretty unpleasant games to try get him exported how they would like.
> In the long run, acting like a mad elephant will just hurt US interests badly. Nobody would trust them anymore.
How is the US acting like a mad elephant?