Re: If only...
{checks AC ticked}
I did want to leave TalkTalk, and as I've said before on here, after half a dozen attempts via call centre and online "chat" (which is like talking to a slightly-less-talkative-than-average brick wall), sent them a letter saying "please explain what happened, as your call centre people won't, or I'll be forced to cancel DD and not pay you until you do." Surprise surprise, they didn't. So I cancelled DD. So they charged me £10, which I didn't pay, saying "told you I would if you didn't answer question, you chose not to answer question, so I cancelled. Your choice, not mine". Long story and several threatening emails from them later, I sent one back saying "answer the questions, or you're agreeing that you must have been in breach and I don't owe anything,, otherwise you could explain yourself. Stop sending me emails, telephoning or I'll start billing you for wasting my time.". (Funny how their letters require response within 168 hours but they can take three weeks to reply, and then ignore the issue?)
Anyway - long story, sorry - it's not over: they are still refusing to explain themselves, and have set a debt collector on me. (The collections agent in question telephoned, then emailed, but refuse to say who they are working for unless i give them enough of my personal info for someone to take that plus the TT leak and help themselves to a nice holiday. A quick Google of their phone number shows TalkTalk)
I've put a complaint in with the Ombudsman, but TT think a debt collector is a more appropriate response. Customer service? They read about it once. A very long time ago.