Interesting signal trend, watch space
The question in the sub-heading indicates this might be a political statement, expressed via contracts.
IBM and co can certainly deliver private cloud to EU data barns. In fact EU could conceivably do it themselves, if savings were the goal and they had any cloud architects. But then, when did any government truly worry about savings?
The relatively modest sum of 30 M is a small relief. Putting that in perspective, (at 240 K Euro a year per commissioner), that could cover 16 Eu commissioners salaries for the next 10 years. Let's hope the EU gets more bang for their euro-bucks or at least saves some money (and finishes the project). When you look at the horrendous sums spaffed on other IT gov projects, 30 M is relatively small beer.
Could be the first feeler installment in a series of lucrative maintenance deals for the above mentioned companies. Stick in the eye for all US companies? Not really, unless you are a public CSP like Microsoft and AWS. And they will certainly be smarting, thinking about how to get back into public Euro markets. Perhaps, they will start lobbying harder for smarter US senators and policies. By the time EU is ready to use public cloud, there may be saner laws regarding data sovereignty and privacy. Crazy, I know, but we can always dream of a better future.
Is it a nail in the coffin for any future Safe harbor clone? Well, a cheap hammer has definitely been raised in the air. Private cloud is one of the easiest (if not always the cheapest) ways to benefit from emerging tech solutions. Could mean some tech jobs will be going soon in Brussels.