back to article Cisco's purple princesses gush workplace joy

The faceless drones among you whose workplace misery is compounded by the need to adhere to a strict dress code are invited to gaze with envy upon this blog post revealing that Cisco is - in contrast to its reputation as "a boring, stodgy company" - actually a hotbed of individuality, personal freedom and radical hair colour. …

  1. Dan Wilkie

    I don't... I mean... What?

    Is this some kind of recruitment thing to show that Cisco is just as cool as Google/Facebook/et al? Or at least Larry "I'm on a boat" Ellisons Oracle... This whole article seems like it has been ripped straight from my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

    But good for them I guess, no chance I'd be allowed purple hair here.

    1. Martin an gof Silver badge

      my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

      Having had to suffer that thing too, did you realise that if you ask nicely, Lego will change it back to the "normal" magazine that they send to boys? I have two of each and when Lego launched the Friends magazine a couple of years ago they automatically changed the girls' subscriptions to the new girly thing and both girls opted to change straight back to the same magazine the boys were receiving.

      Not that either is really worth reading to be honest...


      1. Dan Wilkie

        Re: my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

        Mine loves it though. My Little Pony, Disney Princess and Lego Friends all over the house.

        Hopefully when the boys older the Mrs will let me get Mindstorms for him or at least Technic. Or some of that cool Halo stuff.

        I swear to god if she didn't insist on coming with when we went to <insert favoured toy store>

        1. Mage Silver badge

          Re: my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

          Maybe the girl might like to program a Minestorms bot?

          1. My-Handle

            Re: my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

            Sod -buying- the little sods Lego Mindstorms. They can inherit my sets :)

            Original and NXT

            1. Martin an gof Silver badge

              Re: my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

              They can inherit my sets :)

              I inherited my brother's Lego - he's 12 years older than I am - and my children have inherited mine. Short of Meccano, is there any other toy where 50+ year-old parts are still worth playing with and work perfectly with the stuff coming out next year? I was in work by the time Mindstorms first came out and all my spare cash went on a mortgage...

              Oh, actually, Hornby. The points had all melted, but nearly all the rest of my track from the 1970s is in use in the railway my eldest is building in my dad's attic. Rolling stock and buildings too, but the engines, not so much, though one or two of them ran on d.c. when we tried them and have been revived (not easy) with dcc receivers.


        2. Chika

          Re: my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

          Mine loves it though. My Little Pony, Disney Princess and Lego Friends all over the house.

          Funny you mention that. Looking at Casey (that's the one on the left?) immediately brought Twilight Sparkle to mind...


        3. S4qFBxkFFg

          Re: my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.

          "Hopefully when the boys older the Mrs will let me get Mindstorms for him or at least Technic. Or some of that cool Halo stuff."

          <bragging>Mine buys Lego for me! (10179 and 10177 so far) </bragging>

  2. hplasm
    Thumb Up


    The decline of 'The Suit'.

    1. Chika
      Thumb Up

      Re: Finally-

      The decline of 'The Suit'.

      Can't come soon enough for me!

  3. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    c & c

    "If you’re going to do it – just rock it!"

    Does that mean taking the dye-ing to matching collar & cuffs level?

  4. Mark Walker

    Is that all?

    When I worked for Cisco UK it was hugely supportive of a colleague whose breadth of fashion choices rivalled Eddie Izzard's. Made me proud to work there.

  5. Harry the Bastard


    haven't worked for cisco, but worked with them 25+ years, always found the culture very open

  6. payne747

    "This just in, girl at Cisco has purple hair!"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > "This just in, girl at Cisco has purple hair!"

      Interview with Extreme Networks went well then?


      How you present yourself (to others) is an indicator of how you think of them. If you're self-obsessed, that shows too.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Woman dies hair.

    Company doesn't care.

    News at 11.

    FFS, this is news? Are US companies really that controlling? This would be a non story anywhere in the civilised world.

    1. Robert Helpmann??

      Re: WTF?

      FFS, this is news?

      No, thus the article is filed under the Bootnotes section.

      Are US companies really that controlling?

      Some are. Disney is a good example of a company that likes to get into its employees' personal lives, even for non-public-facing jobs. On the other hand, I supported an agency at the Pentagon for several years while I had a fairly long pony tail (I'm a guy) and it was a non-issue. What constitutes "business appropriate" has certainly evolved over time.

      1. Stevie

        Re: WTF?

        Heh. Wife is a Disney nut, found out circa 1989 that Epcot ran on Unisys gear and started insisting I apply for a job.

        "Okay, but if I interview the beard will have to go. Disney has a policy about that."

        End of nagging.

  8. IGnatius T Foobar

    Bring back Cisco blue

    Great, people at Cisco with designer hair colours. I just wish they'd resume their practice of building network kit painted in standard Cisco blue. The beige and other colours of some of the new products are ugly and non-Cisco-looking.

    1. Dan Wilkie

      Re: Bring back Cisco blue

      And Silver for the Nexus stuff. It just looks wrong :\

  9. SoloSK71

    Try being a guy and doing that, CLM right there if not CEM

    1. Anonymous Coward

      I did. Often.

      Was never an issue.

  10. Captain Hogwash Silver badge

    They're being duped

    ...into believing they're expressing their individuality whereas in reality they are slowly adopting the uniform of S.H.A.D.O. Slinky tinfoil catsuits to be encouraged next as Cisco continues to monitor alien transmissions.

    1. DrD'eath

      Re: They're being duped

      I am not the only be to think of Gabrielle Drake then.

    2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Re: They're being duped

      now you've done it... now I guess I'll have to watch a couple of episodes over the weekend...

  11. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

    meanwhile, at my place of work...

    ...the management seems obsessed with making my hair go grey

    1. Steve Davies 3 Silver badge

      Re: meanwhile, at my place of work...

      Same here.... opps too late. It went totally grey 20+ years ago.

      Have an upvote anyway.

    2. John H Woods

      Re: meanwhile, at my place of work...

      never mind grey, mine went away!

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    How much did Cisco PR pay El Reg for this "native advertisement"? :(

  13. The Empress


    Since their CEO for years was gay.

  14. channel extended

    I'm going to do mine!

    As soon as the minoxidil starts working.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    A positive work culture

    I work for Cisco systems- the culture is really open and conducive to personal expression. It is probably one of the best places I have worked at thanks to how down to earth and helpful everyone is. I realize it is dependent on which group you work for, but as a whole this story doesn't really surprise me.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Anon for obvious reasons. But they'll probably be the next people to go in the next round of annual 'restructuring' that goes on at Cisco...

    I enjoyed my time there, but it was pretty crap when the entirety of the team was chopped in one fateful morning. That said, I'd consider working there again.

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