Re: my little girls "Lego Friends" magazine.
They can inherit my sets :)
I inherited my brother's Lego - he's 12 years older than I am - and my children have inherited mine. Short of Meccano, is there any other toy where 50+ year-old parts are still worth playing with and work perfectly with the stuff coming out next year? I was in work by the time Mindstorms first came out and all my spare cash went on a mortgage...
Oh, actually, Hornby. The points had all melted, but nearly all the rest of my track from the 1970s is in use in the railway my eldest is building in my dad's attic. Rolling stock and buildings too, but the engines, not so much, though one or two of them ran on d.c. when we tried them and have been revived (not easy) with dcc receivers.