I have seen legacy code with things like:
True = true
do while True
if (something) then
True = false
end if
end while
if (True) then
'why doesn't this work anymore???
end if
(some code)
'remove this after 2012 june release
if (1=2) then...
only no one remembers if the thing was removed but not the comment, or even what the thing was that should have been removed, or if the if(1=2) is the removal, or if the if(1=2) is what was meant to be removed, so now both the comment and the if(1=2) block remain forever, just in case someone works out what the hell that code is meant to do, and finally removes whatever was meant to be removed.
'I have uncommented this line. it has been commented out for a while but I can't work out why. if anyone has a problem please let me know.
And one more:
call invert()
sub invert()
'WARNING: extid and extref have inverted meanings for the rest of this file!
tempid = extid
extid = extref
extref = tempid
end sub
yes. the warning is in the sub.
And even better
call SetBackEndValue(value, 1) '<=== DO NOT COPY THIS LINE, not ever! And especially not the '1'
I found it copied (complete with comment) in about 50 places...