Do. no. want.
Now they've taken to sending junk mail leaflets promoting their free broadband service. Couldn't help laughing as it tumbled into the bin.
TalkTalk has reported a loss of £60m related to its major hack in October, attributing the write-off to IT costs and shedding 101,000 customers during its third quarter. The biz said the costs of restoring its online capability and enhancing security are expected to total £40m-£45m. It also took a £15m hit "arising from Q3 …
Is that Dido Harding is still there.
It was a monumental clusterfuck that has cost the company dearly, but the woman at the top just speaks BS and gets away with it.
Just shows the CEOs of these big companies are pretty much untouchable whilst the staff and customers both suffer.
"You're forgetting that Call-Me-Dave is one of her best mates."
Irrelevant. The problem is that nobody in the media is prepared to go for the jugular. She shouldn't have been able to get through that first morning's media interviews without every single one challenging her on the point that she was CEO yesterday and is still CEO this morning. Especially with the recent precedent of the CEO of VW having quit: "Baroness Harding, Herr Winterkorn did the honourable thing. Why haven't you?"
It's at times like this that Robin Day is so sorely missed.
She's not there because of her abilities, she's there because of her contacts. Mates with Dave and co, very, very close ties to Google and Sky execs (suspiciously close when you think about the huge conflict of interests it could potentially create).
I would imagine her interview went something like:
What do you think you can offer TalkTalk?
Access to my phone book.
When can you start?
While BT is no where near perfect, it is the best average consumer Broadband your going to get in most places, this discludes specialist high speed consumer broadband.
That statement is somewhat at odds with the impression one might gain from actual consumer experience, available from the likes of
This comparison of five of the biggest players in the consumer broadband market shows that even BT's subsidiary Plusnet score more highly than btinternet on all counts.
Higher ratings still are available once one 'undiscludes' the ISPs that actually have a clue ...
I will admit I have heard good things about Plusnet, and so recommended them to my uncle. Unfortunately in this case he suffers from massive packet loss, but due to the fact they see he can achieve downloads they refuse to look at the line .... the phone line also experienced issues where no calls could be made, the openreach engineer also stated that he could see issue's on the line (broadband) and put that in his notes but was unable to do anything as he was phone division, but alas nothing has been done.
I'm not sure how Virgin get such high scores with such aggressive packet shaping, Just the other night my mate (in Worthing) was trying to stream my twitch stream (8:30pm) to check out a new game, constant buffering so I lowered my quality down to 480p, still wouldn't play. He switched to steam streaming and got 1080p fine. couple of other mates tested it, Virgin (up north somewhere) had buffering issues as well. but any BT users could view the stream fine. I still remember a few years back mates not downloading updates till after 8:30pm because Virgin would just kill their connection (not completely) after (I think it was 4gig during the day (very hazy about the conditions)). Yeah you can defend this with, Who needs this much data blah blah blah, I tend to churn through over 250G down and 90up over a few days, so me for one.
TLDR, Regardless if Virgin have the capacity, They are going to limit services they don't think are important when they feel like it.
"You mean, it comes from a world of lizards?"
"No," said Ford, who by this time was a little more rational and coherent than he had been, having finally had the coffee forced down him, "nothing so simple. Nothing anything like so straightforward. On its world, the people are people. The leaders are lizards. The people hate the lizards and the lizards rule the people."
"Odd," said Arthur, "I thought you said it was a democracy."
"I did," said Ford. "It is."
"So," said Arthur, hoping he wasn't sounding ridiculously obtuse, "why don't people get rid of the lizards?"
"It honestly doesn't occur to them," said Ford. "They've all got the vote, so they all pretty much assume that the government they've voted in more or less approximates to the government they want."
"You mean they actually vote for the lizards?"
"Oh yes," said Ford with a shrug, "of course."
"But," said Arthur, going for the big one again, "why?"
"Because if they didn't vote for a lizard," said Ford, "the wrong lizard might get in. Got any gin?"
According to an article in the Guardian, TalkTalk offered its 4 million customers a free mobile sim worth £5 a month to say sorry, and then charged for it!
Only TalkTalk could charge for saying ‘sorry’.
Having said that, my Internet connection is with TalkTalk Business, and I have no complaints about them.
admit to losing millions of emails over the last week as a result of some balls up where mail set to forward and don't store (a setting used by many people after last year's debacle where incoming email was delayed for days and days on end, causing many to abandon TalkTalk) didn't forward and didn't store?
It's started working again now, presumably because the bit bucket overflowed.
> How do I get one of these responsible for all operations of the company on massive salary but not actually accountable roles?
You need the patented Harding eight step plan!
1. Get born into the aristocracy.
2. Go to a posh school.
3. Go to Oxford with the PM.
4. Marry the PM's chum.
5. Be made Baroness.
7. Fail miserably at safeguarding the pleb's your customer's data.
8. Profit!
but is often cheaper than screwing up and having to pay the cost of the f**k up.
The problem comes when a bean counter wants to know if a few £k can be shaved off some budget or a marketing manager wants something delivered a couple of weeks earlier - so security is not done properly. After all: you can have a system that appears to work well even if the security is paper thin.
By the time the short cuts come to light: those guilty of forcing the change are forgotten, but just in case the universal 'hacker' bogey man is invoked/blamed.
This is not just a Talk Talk problem. I recently saw some email from to someone wanting to rent a house. Login details all in clear text, one email: URL, username, password - this is somewhere where a lot of financial data is entered (bank a/c details, home + work address, ...) just what you would want if you wanted to spoof someone. Management at clearview should be shot.