back to article El Reg nips down to the Hewlett You Inn?

When readers recently decided that Hewlett Packard Enterprise's private London drinking club should be dubbed the "Hewlett You Inn?", we promised to knock up some artwork for the boozer and deliver it to the door of HPE's shiny new HQ at One Aldermanbury Square. Here are said premises during refurbishment last November, when …

  1. Nigel Cro

    Spull Chock?

    "We're relived to report"

    Nice to see that even in the world of the corporate behemoth there are people who have managed to avoid the sense of humour removal operation normally scheduled for Week One.

    1. NoneSuch Silver badge
      Big Brother

      My Word

      A corporate manager with a sense of humour.

      She won't last long.

      1. Bill Fresher

        Re: My Word

        Unless she's drunk. In which case she has a long career in management ahead of her.

  2. BurnT'offering


    See icon

  3. wolfetone Silver badge

    All I can think of after seeing the last photo is "Kick Bishop Brennan Up The Arse".

  4. chivo243 Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Pallet and such

    Unbelievable! Truly classic!

  5. SW10


    Does Clare Loxley really have a corporate-coloured scarf?

  6. Norm DePlume

    Last photo

    Has someone forgotten to do some red-eye reduction or does Clare Loxley really have eyes that colour?

    1. Peter Simpson 1
      Thumb Up

      Re: Last photo

      Only when she's angry enough to kick you out of her pub...

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Gates Horns

      Re: Last photo

      Standard issue for those serving such roles. Available in your choice of red or black.


  7. Bob H

    Recently I received a handful of SD cards, delivered in a tray that would hold 48 SD cards, in an antistatic bag, wrapped in bubble wrap, in a box, inside another box packed with foam.

    Those blank SD cards were, at no point, at risk.

    This was not HP and I actually received two sets in two separate and identically packed shipments.

    1. Pompous Git Silver badge

      This was not HP and I actually received two sets in two separate and identically packed shipments.

      Similar thing here in Oz. Two USB sticks ordered at the same time from the same place. Each arrived in a separate cubic foot of cardboard box surrounded by bits of foamed plastic and delivered on separate days. They would both have fitted into a small padded envelope with room to spare.

  8. Winkypop Silver badge

    Well played

    Now get out!

  9. Oli 1

    Very disappointed you didnt order the full 40ft RORO to deliver said important graphics.

    Including full road closure for a mobile crane to offload the shipping container, and then a range-rover led escort from the container to the boozer.

  10. ukgnome

    I genuinely laugh....and it's monday!

    Admiring your parcel technique. It left me feeling fulfilled.

  11. Unep Eurobats

    So you didn't actually

    get a drink, then?

  12. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

    Glad to see they were reasonably good sports about it

    And thank you for starting the work week on an amusing note.


    I had to unblock in hosts to see that...

    ... you won't catch me out again so easily...

  14. Yugguy

    Does it actually have an official name?

    I see HPEat in the pictures over the canteen and I see what they did there, very clever.

    So does the pub part have a name? HPArseholed?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Does it actually have an official name?

      So does the pub part have a name?

      I don't know, and I don't fucking care. What I do care about is the truly crap, slow, expensive service I get at work from HPE, when they've clearly got sufficient money to piss up the wall on a private pub.

      Mind you, with the pub market in near terminal decline, I suppose it does fit with HP's track record in acquisitions.

  15. A. Coatsworth Silver badge
    Thumb Up

    Glad to see El Reg's new year resolutions didn't affect their capacity for tomfoolery!

    And it makes me *very* happy that HP(E) knows how to take a joke with a good sense of humor! I was an HP-er for almost a decade, and left shortly before the split up... despite all the problems that company have had, it will always have a place in my heart of hearts.

    What a nice way to start the week

  16. Candy

    Fair play.

    To you and to HPE. :)

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    30000 jobs cut at HP...

    ... but money for an on site pub. No wonder the PR drone is smiling. Free publicity for HP proporting to be a fun place to work rather than the mismanaged lunatic asylum it really is.

    Biting the hand that feeds IT - my arse!

  18. x 7

    look at the pix, its hardly a pub.

    Just a staff canteen with an alcohol licence.

    I take it HP don't have a "No drinking on the job" rule?

  19. Potemkine Silver badge

    Looking at the first picture

    But where the heck is my flamethrower?

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