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The vast cost of keeping up with demand for mobile data is intensifying the pressure on mobile operators’ capex budgets and accelerating their moves to improve their infrastructure cost base. Major agreements to share passive and active cell site equipment are becoming commonplace as regulators ease up on previous restrictions, …

  1. Jan 0

    "capex" is not a word unless you're a manager. Real humans can still spell, write, say and think "capital expenditure". "capex" is just too ambiguous.

    1. Cirdan

      Sprint network

      Using an MVNO that uses the Sprint network, I'm satisfied. Though I've got to admit, my carrier stresses Wi-Fi first and I'm in a small city. So speed is not really my issue...

      Go, Sprint, go!!! Give Verizon and AT&T a run for their money!


    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Genuinely curious - ambiguous with what?

      I've never heard of "capex" used for anything but the ugly giant lurking behind your opex. And although the entry in Wikipedia is something else I'll wager a big bag of nuts that not many readers here read this news item thinking of the "Kerala State Cashew Workers Apex Industrial Co-operative Society"

      1. Jan 0

        Re: Genuinely curious - ambiguous with what?

        I think you've just blown your cover.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          blown cover...

          The shocking twist ending - Mongo was a manager all along!

          (now all i need do is get payroll to see manager-people too)

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Personally, "capex" was one of the few buzzwords/acronyms in that piece that I could understand. I ended up skipping down to the Sprint section where the author started speaking a reasonable facsimile of English again.

      1. paulf

        I can't help thinking "Densify" was the biggest abuse of the English language in that article. Up there with the regular manglings George W. Bush handed out. Does that mean "To Dense" is now a verb?

  2. Aitor 1


    Most telcos know that they aren't really good at telecommunications, and they have outsourced the works on the network and most of the planning, so why not sell the network.

    They are also last on customes retention and satisfaction, having also outsourced these services.

    They also no longer bill their customers.

    My suggestions is that they should just be a brand that resides in bahamas. And, of course, outsource marketing and the directors.

    There, closed shop.

  3. P. Lee

    Once you get into capex/opex discussions you're fudging the numbers.

    Unless you've got some new tech which doesn't need them and you're secretly offloading them how can renting sites be cheaper than owning them in the long run? Do you need to scale your geographic coverage up and down?

    The requirement to do expensive stuff doesn't evaporate when you outsource it.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      @P.Lee: I think you misspelled accounting.

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