Meanwhile back in the UK
Like quite a few people I very occasionally respond to things brought to my attention by organisations like 38 Degrees.
On this occasion, the topic was the current consultation on the future of the BBC. And how the Tories want to ditch the responses to date and replace them with a handful of focus groups instead,
I happen to know my local MP is actually interested in this, so courtesy of 38 Degrees I put a 2-paragraph note together thanking him for his actions on this subject in the past and hoping that he'll do everything he can to ensure that the consultation genuinely reflects the people's wishes, not some Westminster-selected Murdoch-compatible subset.
Within 24 hours I had a response, and it appeared to be at least slightly personalised. A very pleasant surprise, especially given that I have written to him on a couple of previous occasions and not been honoured with the privilege of a response.
In related matters, around a year ago an MP said:
"I also want to thank 38 Degrees. There is no harm in members of the public e-mailing us. There is no harm in them getting together and asking MPs what they think, what they are doing and, above all, what they intend to do about a particular issue. That is what an interactive democracy is about, and modern technology gives us the opportunity to do these things. We should not be afraid of that; we should welcome it, even if it means replying to 300 or 400 e-mails at a time. That is not complicated, and I am sure that Members will eventually get used to the idea that there is going to be a lot more interaction in the future."
Look it up. You may be surprised, or even very surprised.