foaming agents for beer
Brings back misty memories from when I were a lad. Dow ale was selling like hotcakes in the sixties thanks to their wildly popular TV commercial which went something like this...
SCENE: Western frontier town, local saloon
ACTION: Huge bar brawl, cowboy gets tossed out into dusty street.
CUE: Drop-dead beautiful actress (probably in mini dress, can't remember). As cowboy, sprawled out on his belly looks up to honey, she purrs, "Wouldn't a Dow go good now?
That's all it took to launch Dow into the big leagues with Carling, Molson and Labatt in Canada. Unfortunately, three heavy Dow drinkers in Quebec died in quick succession. It turns out that Dow was adding some agent to their brew to make the head last longer. It had been tested and approved for consumption, but nobody allowed for the amounts that these three boozers gargled, (over 24 pints a day).
When the national media showed thousands, or maybe even millions of gallons on Dow beer being poured into brewery sewers, running down the street, that was it for Dow. Their sales fell off a cliff and never recovered. In 5 decades of chugging in Canada, I never saw another person drinking Dow. Lesson... don't mess with our beer.