Electronic Voting/Counting Machines?
Can we see the source code to the voting/counting machines yet? Some of them *still* cannot be audited, and others send their vote count to central counters by networks. How can we trust the vote for a box that cannot be audited.
To ensure the vote is secure, we need proper auditing of those machines and their code, and proper encryption for the connections. Look at Juniper Routers, look at the backdoor that was placed in that code, consider all the effort that was put into that backdoor, now imagine the same in the voting machines and counting machines! How do we know they don't contain and AMX-switchboard style backdoor SSH port?
It's tempting to think that everyone is law abiding, and nobody would rig elections in which $2 billion is spent trying to win, in the US alone. Tempting but stupid, $2 billion is a lot of motive.
Imagine a backdoor in the communications of US votes from voting machines, that could be exploited by foreign hackers to rig elections? Would they do it? Of course they would!
Imagine an out of control domestic bad actor, a rogue civil servant, a Putin figure, a man who thinks Parliament is there to serve him, not him to serve Parliament? Would they rig an election? Of course they would.
Encryption does *far* more than protect privacy. It protects basic data security, commercial, financial, business secrets, designs, and even votes. It protects them from domestic and foreign bad actors.