Should manufacturers supply spares

This topic was created by Conundrum1885 .

  1. Conundrum1885

    Should manufacturers supply spares


    I noticed that a lot (as in >70%) of quite recent machines simply do not have parts which are interchangeable.

    Case in point, on some laptops if you replace the SSD with a different one it won't work, or will boot but fail to install and BSoD.

    This seems to be a manufacturer imposed limitation, but why?

    The parts are usually standard, a 128GB mSATA should be identical to a 512GB mSATA and the specs are pretty well fixed these days.

    Same with optical drives yet I can't put a 2015 SATA slimline drive in a 2011 x520 without it throwing a hissy fit when coming out of/going into Sleep with a disk in.

    1. TeeCee Gold badge

      Re: Should manufacturers supply spares

      Can't say I've ever seen that problem except on IBM (now Lenovo) laptops. Those insist on their own wireless cards and often disks too. No different to the generic part except for the manufacturer's ID string in the firmware (which they check).

      That's an old IBM habit from before there even were laptops which Lenovo seem to have persisted with.

      I've happily swapped bits on many other manufacturers' products with no problems.

  2. Seajay#

    What's the brand of laptop and which OS?

    I've never experienced this and it would be very surprising, most manufaturers are throwing together motherboards, drives, etc from a variety of different component manufacturers, not making it all themselves so it's not in their interest for it any of those components to have compatibility issues.

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