Yahoo! seems to be in one of the hardest parts of a company's lifespan
Sometimes, the purpose or utility of a company has come to an end. Yahoo! may be there. If so, then, well...the company possibly needs to be ended, and stakeholders would prefer that to be done in a way that makes them filthy rich. Which, I can't blame them for, I'd rather end up filthy rich rather than just filthy.
The tough part is that the people that work for the company, which is currently providing them with their livelihood...they won't end up filthy rich if the company ends, and they depend on the money coming in from working at said company to maintain their current lifestyle. And I can't imagine that anyone wants to unemploy themselves.
So, attempt to reinvent yourself, company. Sadly, your odds probably aren't a lot better than a from scratch startup at succeeding at that new venture(s). Sure, you probably have actual money coming in to spend on making yourself a new company, but you're public, and that means you've got a lot of cooks in your kitchen that want results now, not tomorrow or next decade...