I agree, but not for the same reason.
As the ability to identify nutters increases, so does the ability to manage them, but there's still a critical failure point. But in an invasion, (which is not the word I'd like to use, but what's happened in recent years to Europe is indistinguishable from the definition of it,) eventually the demography changes, and before you know it, solving the problem has to be done overtly regardless..
Politicians would simply rather pretend there wasn't a problem, as it stops their free lunches, and as such are always pre-disposed to leaving the problem to someone else to solve later.
But the demographic shift we have is more akin to cancer than a wound.
Can anyone imagine a thousand coal miners sexually assaulting all the women in Angel Tube station, and then the BBC cover it up?
We are in a high risk strategy based on our ability to reduce the number of religious affiliates, and all I've seen is the behaviour of the deluded genuinely believing that we can turn jihadists into charity workers, retrying with more and more resources, over longer and longer timeframes. We are betting on our ability to turn people into Atheists faster than they can breed, and immigrate, while still allowing them to teach their children their view point.
As with all things, a stitch in time saves nine, but I'm wondering exactly what has to happen before the west addresses reality. The problem is that we are shrinking as the problem is growing, population share being a zero sum game. We are in trouble, and anything that deceives government and politicians into putting off addressing the problem is in my opinion, now, counter productive.
I'm terrified there's a whole load of people in senior positions who genuinely don't believe there has to be a line in the sand, or their wish to be able to blacklist while opinion-leech the few thousand people they keep on file for expert opinions to provide to government without paying them is blinding them to the fact that their new power will only delay to address the problem until there's too many people here to fight.