It needs to be compulsary encryption
They need to make it compulsary to encrypt wherever private data is handled.
Otherwise bad countries will REQUIRE backdoors, which will also be in the Dutch version, and those countries (that have had a commercial and political advantage from the spying) will continue to have a free for all with dutch private secrets.
China is only the lastest to pass laws to get access to these backdoors. In USA, it seems FBI asked Microsoft for the disk encryption keys, which on Windows 10 now backs up the keys to Microsoft servers by default. FBI has no legal jurisdiction over The Netherlands, and had no legal authority to demand back doors, they simply did it anyway.
Surveillance transfers secrets from target to spy. Spy gains an advantage over target. That is true whether its NSA spying on governments, GCHQ spying on their political bosses, Cameron and May spying on their opponents. It undermines the basic democracy if a foreign power can leverage leaders to ensure outcomes it wants, not the electorate want.
It's unlikely that we will ever be allowed to elected a pro-privacy leader in the UK again. The pro-surveillance lot simply have too much leverage over the UK political system. DO NOT LET THAT HAPPEN TO YOU. Cameron was anti-nanny state, and has now turned into supernanny surveillance Cameron, spying on all brits.
UK GCHQ was prevented from spying on Brits, and now spies mostly on Brits. If it crosses the border they'll spy on it, even if its UK to UK data, even if they routed it off shore themselves! And our Parliament had its emails moved offshore too, by the same group of ministers behind the surveillance. So you see how bad things are in the UK.
Once it starts, you cannot stop it, so you need to nip it in the bud.
Make encryption compulsary and block services as the backdoors are revealed, to protect your core rights.