back to article The Infamous Eight: 2015's memes, themes and big pieces

So, was US Central Command (CENTCOM) hacked, were a LOT of Polish Airlines aircraft cyber breached, and did China block imports of products from Apple and others? The answer in all three cases was a simple “no”. So what of the multiple cloud outages, and Uber’s ongoing global legislative and driver woes? In a 140-character- …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "bots created to lure men"

    And I for one, welcome....etc

  2. VinceH

    "Lenovo countered with the defense that unnamed “other” PC makers were also doing this"

    Such as, Dell, who were caught doing something equally brain dead later in the year.

  3. Your alien overlord - fear me

    Predictions for 2016 - same old shit. Twitter still doesn't make a profit, Google still No.1 ad-slinger, Facebook still shit, Govt cyber-spies still know everything you do, Microsoft releases Windows 11 to apologise for Windows 8-10 and pays you to install it this time.

  4. Frumious Bandersnatch

    "146-character-driven culture"?

    What's that number? SMS allows 140 bytes, which can pack in 160 7-bit ASCII values and Twitter kept the same 140-character limit, after a fashion (apparently it uses UTF-8 and counts characters rather than bytes).

  5. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken


    The year of BaaS - Bullshit as a service.

    1. Amorous Cowherder
      Thumb Up

      Re: 2016?

      Brilliant! You should get that over to Redbubble and get some t-shirts knocked up. Possibly with the picture of a sheep in flagrante.

  6. Glenturret Single Malt

    Breach not breech.

    1. Michael Wojcik Silver badge

      A loaded statement.

      For that matter, "a 'merge' several hundred pounds" was perhaps meant to be "a 'mere' several hundred pounds". But who can say for sure?

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