Re: very sad...:-(
Please tell me you're just trying to provoke a response of some type? Can you actually site anything on this?
You know there are military actions taken without the US involved world wide?
You know that most military action taken by the US gets NATO backup because
a) That's what NATO is
b) Less altruistic, but it gives NATO nations an opportunity to fire off some weapons and use some ammunition to decrease their stockpiles in order to support paying for their respective national defense companies who need to employee people for when they are actually needed.
Also, Russia and China are/were showing far more leadership with regards to IS which most of the world believes would have never happened if the U.S. didn't take irresponsible military action in the region to begin with.
No other country really wants to piss away as much money on defense as the US does and leave their own people under-educated and thinking being a soldier means you're a hero.
Also, no other country in the world (not even the English and those people are bloody nuts) have a political party as completely screwed up as the Republicans or even worse, the Tea Party.
Let me promise you, only desperate countries ever ask the US for leadership in military because every country fears they might actually get it.
Surprisingly enough, during a conversation spawned by one of my crazy rants... and later through the help of a whiteboard, we're all pretty convinced that the US is the only western country with any actual enemies. France and England and Germany get some terrorist crap happening, but we're pretty convinced that it only really happens because of their association with the US.
So far as I know, the English being the possible exception, the rest of the western world doesn't tend to go looking for enemies everywhere they can. In fact, in most cases, western countries tend to be fairly broadly accepting of everyone.
Now, there's a huge mess in Afghanistan and a huge mess in Iraq and it's surrounding regions. The US is of course happy because they have an enemy they can name and place in headlines and dance around talking about how awesome they are because they'll conquer the enemy. But while radical Muslims (they're kinda like Tea Party members but a different religion... and I know more than a handful of Tea Party members with arsenals of weapons) have and will exist as long as their are bat shit crazy religious people (40% of the voters in the US for example), they would have never been in the position to do what they're doing now if it weren't for the US and their mini-state Israel screwing everything up there for so long.
Now, I have a bunch a friends that are there because if they don't go, there's no one to babysit the American, English and French militaries to make sure they don't get out of control. I often wonder if that's what NATO is these days :
America needs an enemy...
America can't find an enemy...
America makes and enemy...
The western world tells America... those people are not your enemy... back off...
American pushes and pushes and pushes until they manage to find a candle stick in the library that may or may not be able to be used by Ms. Peacock and they launch a war...
England goes with America because England always goes with America... it's like England is America's third ass cheek.
France goes with America because England can't go unless France goes.
Germany goes and we have no idea why
The rest of NATO goes because you can't leave the children unattended... so the rest of the world sends baby sitters.
Everyone bombs the shit out of everything.
Someone finally starts figuring out that some countries aren't really countries after all and America gets confused and doesn't know how to win the fight because these people keep moving around from country to country and America can't figure out who the enemy is anymore.
The American people get pissed because even the republicans can't figure out how fighting this war is about anything meaningful other than killing people with a different religion and skin color which is generally always a good thing in their opinion.
Americans blame each other over political party lines and make it a major issue of how to withdraw troops since there's no winning this stuff anyway and the game is boring and we want to fight someone we can beat instead.
America pulls out there troops and the people left behind realize that now that Saddam is gone, they can go back to what it was like before Saddam and can fight over who gets the oil by running a holy war.
America and OPEC collapse the world oil prices weakening Russia and of course whoever is giving money to the IS... and European allies who depend on oil.
The dollar gets REALLY STRONG!!!!
The US starts having to lower their prices substantially outside of the US since no one can afford to by their stuff anymore.
The US doesn't act quickly enough and the rest of the world start looking for alternatives to American products and technologies because it's no longer convenient or cost effective to buy American.
China gets stronger
China builds up a huge oil stockpile to a degree that now oil tankers are floating around with no-place to unload.
China can now survive an American embargo blocking their oil shipments for more than a month.
China starts realizing that the US is too busy with other stuff and the they've always wanted to have that Taiwan place.
America loses most of it's power in the Pacific
All because you idiots think it's a good think to be the world police... you absolute idiots.