University of Austin
That would be the University of Texas at Austin.
Oracle has unveiled plans for what looks like the first-of-its kind “next-generation technology” campus inside the US. The database giant has selected Austin, Texas, for a development that will comprise offices plus “affordable” staff accommodation. Austin is home to StackEngine, the Docker container-management startup Oracle …
The last time I was in Austin I saw that it was no longer a desirable place to live.
SXSW turned it into a pretentious douchery in the last decade and tech jobs are driving the cost of living up for everyone.
I'm happy for their growth, but it's off my list of cool small cities. And "a better Silicon Valley?" Big warning right there.
Oracle could have gone further east to East Texas - Build up an IT friendly population there, increase tax dollars from IT to make the legislators reform the patent-troll friendly East Texas courts. Not least more IT friendly jurors in the population, though reform of the process is really the issue.