back to article Spectra Logic's six-times-faster tape robot

Spectra Logic's High Performance Transporter is a six-times-faster tape cartridge-transfer robot that can drop tape slot-to-drive transfer time from six to 1.5 seconds. When a tape library receives a request to access a file on a stored tape drive, then micro-millisecond data access times of SSDs and disk get forgotten about. …

  1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

    exciting news for the team at GCHQ

    Who will now be able to pull up your lifetimes browsing so much faster.

    Because that' s seems to be the last group left who need that much data storage that cost really matters.

    For the rest of us

    Not so much.

    1. pasmith50

      Re: exciting news for the team at GCHQ

      In genomics we have quite a rapidly growing data storage challenge. With the cost of generating the data falling the cost of storing it becomes more and more important. Tape definitely has a play there and if we can get the data back sooner then we can move more of it off disk.

      1. John Smith 19 Gold badge

        In genomics we have quite a rapidly growing data storage challenge.

        I was wondering who really needed this technology, outside of state agencies spying on their own populations.

        That actually sounds like a beneficial use for this technology.

  2. EMC is the Best <3

    wowww yayyy Next tape innovation will be a tape flap that flips up in half the time. And a lighter plastic spool that rewinds and fast fowards 5% more quickly. Great job spectra but your company still sucks and hasn't innovated since a a a AIT.

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