These Fibre Optic 'advances' in the world's 'leading' technological country ...
(according to the US) are a source of humour in countries such as Korea and Japan as well as China.
Even here in VietNam it is impossible to get an ADSL InterNet connection from the government owned VNPT - all their technicians are carrying their ubiquitous orange Fibre Optic jointing kit boxes - with reels of overhead drop cable tucked under their arms.
The ADSL feed to an apartment over one of our workshops was damaged - and it was replaced by an optical feed that carries 50 Mbit InterNet, voice lines for our telephone switch as well as cable TV signals. Our service fees increased a little to the equivalent of USD$35/month for unlimited 50 Mbit InterNet, cable TV and three voice channels (usage metered).
By the way, it takes one whole day from placing the order for the installation to be completed.
How is BT doing these days with fibre service?