back to article Enraged Brits demand Donald Trump UK ban

Enraged British citizens in their thousands are rushing to sign an e-petition demanding US presidential wannabe and blow-dried rabble-rouser Donald Trump be barred from darkening the UK's doors. As won't have escaped your notice, Trump has got himself into a bit of bother by suggesting "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims …

  1. Vimes

    Is it really worth worrying about the comments coming from a self obsessed narcissist with delusions of mediocrity? He's not even been selected as the republican candidate yet, and the only thing that all this noise achieves is give him the attention he seems to crave.

    Ignore him. It's the only thing that will truly piss him off if enough people do it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      The world doesn't work that way. The mass media decides how to filter information in accordance with their own agendas. If the media decides to hang off Trump's every word, then that's exactly what the masses will see.

      On top of that, many people are pre-disposed to agree with what he's saying, but even if they don't, repetition is a key propaganda technique because it makes an extremist view point appear less extreme over time.

    2. BlartVersenwaldIII

      Agreed, this is the sort of publicity that Trump seems to thrive on. Indeed it's easily spinnable into the kind of bullshit he likes to spout.

      "See? The UK is so radicalised that those damned muslims broke into parliament and changed the laws so that I couldn't visit them!"

      Tut, roll your eyes and ignore the kid having a tantrum in the supermarket please, unless you want to be the one buying him sweets.

      In a related interview, Trump said: "I’m not insane. But we’re up against an entire religion that wants to control all the hair in the world".

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Truth to Power

      The Left is going into total meltdown over someone with the balls to attack their shibboleths. Good. It's about time all those "untouchable" PC sand castles were kicked over.

      Oh, and good luck trying to ignore President Trump. Here in the US we're finding it difficult to impossible to ignore the traitor in the White House right now.

      1. Triggerfish

        Re: Truth to Power

        I would happily let president Trump in. I would make sure every official and MP he deals with is of a darker skin persuasion and chuck in some atheists for good measure.

        Kicking down PC sand castles is one thing, but be honest mate thats an excuse being used to come out with the sort of speeches that have sounded like he copied them from original German drafts from somewhere around 1930 ish.

        Traitor in the White house, love that sort of thing strikes me that some of the most vociferous defenders of freedom and democracy, don't like the process when someone they disagree with is voted in democratically.

        A word of advice. When you use juvenile and derogatory tactics like rewriting someone's name (RayGun) you negate any chance of being taken seriously by intelligent people. ;-/

        So anyway go on about traitors in the White house again. :)

      2. deathchurch
        Thumb Up

        Re: Truth to Power

        Good word shibboleth, and you are 100% right, wish we had someone that would stand up the political correct nazis...

      3. Naughtyhorse

        Re: Truth to Power


        President trump.

        you sir win the internet today.

        whaddya mean the twat is serious?

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Truth to Power

        Hang on, isn't Trump trying to create a shibboleth, not attack one? He's seeking to create a token that can be used to divide people.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Truth to Power

          Not at all, the token that can be used to divide people is ALREADY in the Whitehouse!

      5. Richard Altmann

        Re: Truth to Power

        Personal insults are not accepted in The Reg. There is a thesis out that if enough monkeys are put in front of typewriters ...

        1. Munzly The Hermit

          Re: Truth to Power

          "if enough monkeys are put in front of typewriters" - one of them will throw it out of the window and buy an Amstrad.....

          1. Pompous Git Silver badge

            Re: Truth to Power

            one of them will throw it out of the window and buy an Amstrad.....

            And three and a half days after the warranty expires the hard drive will die... noisily!

      6. Martin-73 Silver badge

        Re: Truth to Power

        Traitor in the white house

        @Big John So we know what colour your house is now

      7. Peter Simpson 1

        Re: Truth to Power

        Here in the US we're finding it difficult to impossible to ignore the traitor in the White House right now.

        Not all of us. Some of us think he's doing a better job than Trump could. Especially, when it comes to reasoned discussion of the threats facing us.

        1. Chris Hunt

          Re: Truth to Power

          "Some of us think he's doing a better job than Trump could."

          To be fair, a potato would do a better job than Trump could.

          1. Tim Jenkins

            ...a potato would do a better job than Trump...

            or, as some Republicans would have it, a potatoe


            (Whatever happened to him, apart from being forever known as George W's Number Two?)

      8. I. Aproveofitspendingonspecificprojects

        Re: Truth to Power

        Atlas the right right

        What we want is a law making it mandatory to vote for idiots in America.

        It is the critical need of all candidates of the Geography Over Politics hopefuls. For too long the population has been prevented from getting the leadership it needs by a jewish nigger loving popular press.

        Let us hope god will finally answer our prayers as we haven't had a really good laugh in nearly a decade.

    4. This post has been deleted by its author

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Big Brother

        Re: There are two points of view

        > "UK is not alone here - similar efforts are going across Europe at the moment."

        I don't doubt it. That's how control freaks roll.

        "We, the assembled good nations of Earth, declare Mr Trump (and all who voted for him) to be guilty of hate speech (as defined by the most fanatical among us) and thus he is a thought criminal. He is not welcome in our countries, and should he try to enter, will be stopped at the borders. In this way we preserve our people from being exposed to non-approved ideas which could cause harm to impressionable children. Mr. Trump, for shame!"

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: There are two points of view

            A word of advice. When you use juvenile and derogatory tactics like rewriting someone's name (RayGun) you negate any chance of being taken seriously by intelligent people. ;-/

            1. captain veg Silver badge

              Re: There are two points of view

              > you negate any chance of being taken seriously by intelligent people

              Tempted to reply "how would you know?", but you're obviously trolling.


              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: There are two points of view

                You are aware that Rush Limbaugh uses that name-changing tactic too? It's one reason I don't listen to him. Interesting that you and Rush are on the same page...

            2. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: There are two points of view

              "juvenile and derogatory tactics like rewriting someone's name (RayGun) "

              He got called that back in the 80s. Strategic defense initiative and all that.

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: There are two points of view

                Ah well, just goes to show that some slurs are too good to give up!

                BTW, at the time I was 22, and was one of the people being derogatory towards (ahem) RayGun. Not about SDI, really. I just liked to call people names I guess. Foolish youth!

              2. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: There are two points of view - Strategic defense initiative and all that.

                Good Lord I remember that. I remember discussing "brilliant pebbles" and the general conclusion that it was totally ridiculous, would never work, and if we bid for some research funds for EM shielding, how much money might we get and for how long?

                Great days...when funds were available for off the wall defense research rather than social media.

              3. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: There are two points of view

                "He got called that back in the 80s."

                He was called that by Jeff Shurtleff at Woodstock in 69 when he [RayGun Zap] was Guvnor of California (see Drug Store Truck Drivin Man)

              4. Steve Gill

                Re: There are two points of view

                It goes all the way back to Woodstock at least

                Sheesh, the youth of today ... ;)

              5. beep54

                Re: There are two points of view

                "He got called that back in the 80s." Actually way before that. We were calling him RayGun way back in the 60's. The Star Wars thing just made it more appropriate.

            3. This post has been deleted by its author

            4. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

              Re: There are two points of view

              "When you use juvenile and derogatory tactics negate any chance of being taken seriously by intelligent people."

              Good point. Would references to the traitor in the White House be an example?

            5. Someone Else Silver badge

              Re: There are two points of view

              When you use juvenile and derogatory tactics like rewriting someone's name (RayGun) [...]

              Yeah! Exactly like the guy who wrote about the "traitor in the White House"!

              Oh, wait....

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: There are two points of view

                What's juvenile about mentioning the obvious? I didn't change Mr. Obama's name (never have). I merely described what I think he is, using the most appropriate word. You are free to disagree, but you are not free to suggest I'm being juvenile or derogatory when I state defensible opinions using simple English words, sorry.

                1. Fraggle850

                  @ Big John Re: There are two points of view

                  I don't see why you consider this particular president to be treacherous, perhaps you'd care to elucidate?

                  1. Dan Paul

                    Re: @ Big John There are two points of view

                    Because Obama the traitor, lied to the American people from the first moment he opened his mouth about every topic he's ever brought up. Obama does not like this country and has done nothing but divide it since he became president.

                    He violated his oath of office, is still attempting to ruin this country financially, kowtows to foreign leaders, defamed previous presidents and elected officials, interfered with the Military and the rules of engagement helping to kill many of our soldiers, kissed the ass of Putin and the Ayatollah, is responsible for the mess in Syria, Libya and Iraq and soon will be in Afghanistan, violated the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, lied to the American people about the "Syrian Refugees" calling them "Widows and Orphans" when it is quite clear in the video from European news that over 30% of these so called refugee's are military age men, refuses to call these terrorists what they are and disallows DHS DOJ, FBI CIA etc to call them what they are which is "Islamic Terrorists".

                    Oh and backpedaled and lied like hell when he found out that the "Domestic Terrorists" in San Bernardino California were really Islamic Murderers and that one of them had already been "vetted" the same way this dolt suggests we would check the backgrounds of these same "Syrian Refugees".

                    Funny how just looking at her Farcebook postings of a few years ago would have shown she was a jihadi, but that Obama again, he decreed that DHS and OPM can't examine someone's Farcebook history when doing a background check.

                2. Richard Altmann

                  Re: There are two points of view

                  I only came to The Reg for the BOFH and had a good time with everything that came with it. Well it´s fun when the censors let a troll have a run, but only up to a point. I´m out of here.

                  1. LucreLout

                    Re: There are two points of view

                    @Richard Altman

                    Well it´s fun when the censors let a troll have a run, but only up to a point. I´m out of here.

                    While I disagree with Big John, I'm not really sure that he's trolling. His posts seem to indicate that he believes what he's saying as opposed to only saying it to get a rise out of the commentariat.

                    Moderation on El Reg has been of a consistently higher standard than pretty well any other site I've visited regularly and is one of the sites strengths.... just don't tell the mods I said that.

            6. Dr Scrum Master

              Re: There are two points of view

              A word of advice. When you use juvenile and derogatory tactics like rewriting someone's name (RayGun) you negate any chance of being taken seriously by intelligent people. ;-/

              Yeah, nobody intelligent takes Private Eye seriously, err...

    5. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Just underscores that the UK does not have freedom of speech

      Poor brits.

      "I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves." - Harriet Tubman

      1. Naughtyhorse

        Re: Just underscores that the UK does not have freedom of speech

        Just underscores that the UK, unlike certain (very small) parts of murica does have a collective IQ larger than it's shoe size.

        there! fixed it for you.

      2. Steve Crook

        Re: Just underscores that the UK does not have freedom of speech

        Yup, I bet Trump and his supporters are really worried and monitoring the growth of the petition in the UK because of all the damage it's going to do to his campaign in the US. Not.

        For those that voted in the petition, have you not been paying attention? This is what Trump wants, the more he appears to have upset SJW's, the more he appeals to his core audience who already feel ignored and alienated in their own country and the more chance there is of him getting the nomination.

        Before everyone cheers thinking this'll mean 4 years of Hillary, it very probably will, but there's many a slip between cup and lip...

        1. Daniel Fiander

          Re: Just underscores that the UK does not have freedom of speech

          Trump pretty much blackmailed his own party the other day saying if he wasn't the official candidate, he'd run as an independent and continue to make as much noise.

          That's pretty much an overt threat to his own party saying "make me official or I'll split the republican vote" in a similar way to how Woodrow Wilson won as Democrat in 1912.

          1. Dan Paul

            Re: Just underscores that the UK does not have freedom of speech

            Do you always lie? Does your media always lie? Yes, appears so.

            Must be since Donald Trump SIGNED A PLEDGE TO NOT RUN AS AN INDEPENDENT! He has addressed this multiple times in the media, but you have to lie.

            But hey, lets not let a little lie get any traction.

    6. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Extremely sad

      I laughed at someone earlier who signed this, as he didn't see the irony of a petition banning trump from the UK becuase trump wanted to ban muslims from America.

      He went onto claim that what trump is saying is how Hitler started. I pointed out that Hitler started out because everyone just did what everyone else did, and signing the petition becuase Facebook said so is more akin to the birth of the third Reich.

      He still didn't get it.

      Whilst trump is an idiot, even bigger idiots are signing this. Clearly trump's campaign is nothing to do with presidential campaign, its just a publicity stunt, nothing more.

      1. Androgynous Cupboard Silver badge

        Re: Extremely sad

        There is considerable difference between banning 1.6 billion muslims because of the actions of a few thousand, and banning Donald Trump because of the actions of Donald Trump. I'm rather partial to a spot of irony myself but I'm not sure it really applies here.

    7. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Where is the petition for banning Islamic terrorists from coming into the UK ?

      400,000 votes to ban Donald Trump visiting is hardly surprising when there are about 3 million Muslims in the UK.

      1. Munzly The Hermit

        I very much doubt that it's UK Muslims signing the petition. I suspect it's a wide range of UK citizens with a mischievous sense of humour!

        The only real response to a goof like T is laughter. Here in the UK the word "Trump" means a loud anal discharge of foetid gas.

  2. Quortney Fortensplibe
    Paris Hilton

    Who Trumped?*

    I'd hate to see someone with his jingoistic views getting into power. It could completely tarnish the US's reputation as international peacemaker and fluffy kitten dispenser.

    [*For readers of an overseas disposition, 'trump' = 'fart', in the vernacular of the North-West of England]

    1. graeme leggett Silver badge

      Re: Who Trumped?*

      "in the vernacular of the North-West of England"

      In the vernacular of much of England. Certainly remember sniggering over word when learning whist and other card games as a youngster.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Who Trumped?*

      [*For readers of an overseas disposition, 'trump' = 'fart', in the vernacular of the North-West of England]

      In the U.S., that would be referred to as "butt trumpet".

      Which also sums up my opinion of Donald Trump's speeches, and I consider myself to be a moderate conservative.

      1. hplasm
        Thumb Up

        Re: Who Trumped?*

        "In the U.S., that would be referred to as "butt trumpet"."

        Might I suggest that The Donald should now be referred to as The Butt Trumpet?

        1. David 132 Silver badge

          Re: Who Trumped?*

          A contributor to the Telegraph today suggested that he should be known as The Bouffoon.

  3. GBE

    The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

    Though the fact that large numbers of people seem to like him makes one feel a bit ill, the hard-core DNC strategists must absolutely love him. He seems more and more likely to single-handely trigger the disintegration of the Republican Party As We Know It(tm) and hand the presidency to Hillary Clinton on a silver platter. The Republican party has been rotting from the inside for years, and Trump seems determined to blow the bloated carcass into tiny bits.

    1. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

      The conspiracy is that he is really Hilary in a rubber mask and wig

      1. Triggerfish

        Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

        The conspiracy is that he is really Hilary in a rubber mask and wig

        Bring back spitting image.

        1. TheVogon

          Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

          "Bring back spitting image."

          For the benefit of those in the Colonies:

          1. captain veg Silver badge

            Re: Bring back spitting image

            And not forgetting...

            Not the nine o'clock news.


        2. David 132 Silver badge

          Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

          Bring back spitting image.

          Upvoted, but, y'know... I looked up some old episodes of Spitting Image on Youtube recently, and I have to say it hasn't aged that well. It wasn't as funny as I remember it from the first time around. Perhaps I'm just a curmudgeon.

          1. Munzly The Hermit

            Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

            Spitting image was good because it was topical. If it came back it could be good again for the same reason.

      2. banalyzer

        Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

        I didn't realise she was wearing a mask, thanks for pointing that out.

        On a different note,

        Syrian McKellen?

        The mans an ignorant fool, Do not argue with a fool, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you on experience.

        I think there are four horsemen saddling up ready for a positive result

        1. djack

          Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

          @ banalyzer

          "On a different note,

          Syrian McKellen?"

          It works when said out loud

          But in case you are still puzzling : Sir Ian McKellen

    2. MrRimmerSIR!

      Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

      Yup, same way as Corbyn is to the Conservative party in the UK. I wonder if there are any Democrats laying down their $5 to support his candidacy...

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

      There will be no big turnout for Mrs. Clinton. Not even the major media yoked to the Democrat party can pull it off this time. By the time election day rolls around I expect to see record numbers of celebrities pledging to leave the country (they never do of course). Stocking up on popcorn right now...

      1. Throatwarbler Mangrove Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

        What's fantastic is that the Rethuglicans have floated such a demented Clown Car of the certifiably insane and pathologically uncharismatic this year that Bernie Sanders actually has a shot at the candidacy and even the presidency. If he wins, the country's batshit-American population will be crying themselves to sleep at night while cuddling their illegally-modified AR-15s for comfort.

        1. Alan Brown Silver badge

          Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

          "What's fantastic is that the Rethuglicans have floated such a demented Clown Car of the certifiably insane and pathologically uncharismatic"

          A lot of people must be pining for the days when Sarah Palin was the most extreme crazy-eyed republican in the media spotlight.

          How bad do things have to get in the USA before states start seceeding?

    4. Naughtyhorse

      Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

      I'm not so sure about this 'large numbers of people' thing.

      sure he's polling 20%,

      But that's amongst declared republicans.

      A group that has shrunk to it's smallest number on record: 25% of the eligible population.

      And I think it is fair to assume that the haemorrhage of support is due to the increasingly extreme right wing stance adopted by the party generally.

      So trumps poll lead indicates that the most extreme 5% of the population love him, but 75% of the population would either vote for his opponent, or not vote at all.

      That said, he clearly is a dream indeed for the dems

      1. MattPi

        Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

        "So trumps poll lead indicates that the most extreme 5% of the population love him, but 75% of the population would either vote for his opponent, or not vote at all."

        Frankly, I think there will be sizeable anti-Trump vote even if Democrats aren't motivated to get out to vote for Clinton.

      2. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

        "A group that has shrunk to it's smallest number on record: 25% of the eligible population."

        But also a group which has a consistently high turnout at the polls.

        One of Obama's most outstanding achievements was how he got so many people to actually go and vote.

    5. Fungus Bob

      Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

      "The Republican party has been rotting from the inside for years, and Trump seems determined to blow the bloated carcass into tiny bits."

      The Democratic party is no better. Both parties are best thought of as two heads on the same beast. A beast that does what it's wealthy supporters want.

      1. Mark 85

        @Fungus Bob -- Re: The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

        And therein is our problem. Both parties are corrupt and have deteriorated beyond belief. This election may very spell the end of both parties.

        1. Fungus Bob

          @Mark 85 Re: @Fungus Bob -- The guy is the hard-core Democrat's dream.

          Ah, I see you are an Optimist...

      2. AbelSoul

        Re: two heads on the same beast

        Or two cheeks of the same arse, as we say in these environs.

  4. Chris Miller

    SJWs don't do irony

    Some idiot wants to ban people from entering his country. That's outrageous! Let's ban him from entering our country - that'll show him ...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: SJWs don't do irony

      I considered signing it.

      In the end I didn't, because I don't care enough, but I oppose the laws this is being proposed under and in my view, stretching those laws to breaking point is likely to be a good thing.

      If the relevant laws get the stupid parts take out of them to prevent this from happenning again then I consider that a good thing. If not then I will forget all about it. No downside.

      1. Afernie

        Re: SJWs don't do irony

        I also strongly disagree with the law this is being proposed under, but it exists and has been used against the likes of that delightful Shirley Phelps-Roper woman from the Westboro Baptist Church. She's revolting and vile, but non-violent. If she can espouse her views and be banned from the UK, the far-from-harmless Donald Trump also MUST be banned, if the laws really apply to everyone equally. Instead what we've found out from the government's response is that (as per usual) if you're rich and friends with the right people, the law doesn't apply to you.

        So that's what this is about. Either this law is enforced equally always, or not at all.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Strange that his popularity rises whenever he does these things, the mind boggles.

    I know what happens when talking about religion getting you into trouble, all I said to my wife was this piece of halibut...

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Most people are weary of the PC jackboot being pressed ever more firmly on their necks, by what amounts to a small group of fanatics with access to a sympathetic press. Trump may never be elected, but he says the things that most people have been too afraid to say for years. His huge and rising popularity is a clear indication of this.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        @big john:

        Go polish your guns, dear; it'll calm you down.

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          @Go polish your guns

          Shirley you mean fondle while mumbling?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: @Go polish your guns

            Actually, we don't fondle, we cling, bitterly.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: @Go polish your guns

              @big john "we cling, bitterly"

              That's your problem, right there; you're so bitter about everything. I suggest you join a militia or something. Join the minutemen and beat up a few mexican degenerates. You'll feel soooooo much better and be smiling again in no time and perhaps santa will bring you a new justice bringer if you're really good. Not long to go now so, come on, you can do it

              1. dogged

                Re: @Go polish your guns

                > perhaps santa will bring you a new justice bringer if you're really good

                Remember, Americans! Only 12 mass shootings til Christmas!

      2. Gerhard Mack

        Don't forget, Sarah Palin also drew huge crowds and lost. The Republican right wing is very noisy and is just large enough to get someone past the primaries. The downside is that the resulting candidate ends up being so extreme right that not even moderate Republicans will vote for it let alone the independents or Democrats.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          " for it..."?

          Um, was that a Freudian slip?

      3. Naughtyhorse


        5% as a healthy estimate.

        you must be a graduate of the donald q trump school of making shit up!

      4. Naughtyhorse

        Again with the 'most people' bullshit.

        At least you share rumps conceit - if 1 person agrees with you, then that's a democratic majority, if 300 million disagree, that's because they are delusional.

        And if you want to talk about jackboots and the thought police, I'd suggest you look no further than your news outlet of choice.

    2. VeganVegan

      You got off lightly about religion and your wife

      Imagine if, instead of the piece of halibut, you had discussed the piece of cod...

      1. dogged

        Re: You got off lightly about religion and your wife

        > if (...) you had discussed the piece of cod...

        which passeth all understanding?

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Lets just take a moment to remember, you voted for 4 more years of bush...

    1. Chris G

      AC "Lets just take a moment to remember, you voted for 4 more years of bush..."

      Yup! and then they voted for 4 more years of O'barmy; 4 terms and two presidents and the war on terrorism is still going strong with little sign of any let up!

      Not very good are they?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        pretty much since the age I could vote, I would have preferred both presidential candidates would lose, some years it seems like they can not even get a single reasonable candidate in the primaries. (In my state, there is rarely even a 3rd option to the two main parties, since you have to get enough signatures for like 0.5% of the electorate if did not win one of the established parties primaries that got at least 5% of the prior election, granted some states have the opposite problem of having hundreds of candidates cluttering the ballots who have no shot of winning)

      2. Triggerfish

        @Chris G

        To be fair with Osbourne saying we got our mojo back for bombing a side in Syria to help a guy in Syria who last year we wanted to bomb, I don't think we are doing much better in the fuckwit department.

      3. Naughtyhorse

        Not very good are they?

        economy stupid

      4. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        No state is ever going to win The War Against Terror when it acts as a terrorist itself and creates the very thing it hates. It's almost as if it's useful to the state to have a named but faceless and fearful enemy to protect the people from.

      5. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "and then they voted for 4 more years of O'barmy"

        At least he finally did something to fix the US having the worst healthcare of any developed nation.

        1. Chris G

          So now it's worse than any nation?

          I wasn't aware that any of it's original form still existed or worked.

    2. LucreLout

      Lets just take a moment to remember, you voted for 4 more years of bush...

      That's what scares me about America. Every president they've had since Regan has found a way to dig deep and be somehow worse.

      The Bush's and Clintons playing Hatfields & McCoys over the whitehouse is very tiresome; Both families have had more than enough time in that building, and neither clan has improved the lot of their average citizen. Obama hasn't really achieved anything either - his primary achievement is not being GWB, who was the worst president America ever had.

      And that's where things become dangerous, because not being a Hatfield or McCoy is a trick The Donald is also able to pull. It's looking like a two horse race between Hillary and Trump, and not unreasonably a great number of Americans may take the view that Hillary has already had her eight years in the gaff.

      The world deserves better than this America. You deserve better than this.

  7. Palpy

    Note to El Reg:

    Please don't feed the numpties.

    Comments on Das Trumpler are like a rugby match held in a cesspit: nobody stays clean, and nobody enjoys it.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Note to El Reg:

      nobody stays clean, and nobody enjoys it.

      What say you, here in the cesspit of the comment forums? I say you doth protest too much.

      However, in stead of banning Trump on the grounds of what he thinks and says, a far better approach would have been to ban him from entering the UK on the grounds of his hair. I like tabby cats. But wearing one as a wig is just wrong.

      Anybody care to start a Downing Street petition that "Donald J Trump be banned from entry to the United Kingdom on the ground of his persistent and heinous crimes against hair styling"?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Thumb Up

        Re: Note to El Reg:

        Hear hear! But don't mention the word "hair" in the charge, since no such substance actually resides on his head. At least I hope not...

      2. Triggerfish

        Re: Note to El Reg: @Ledswinger

        That feels like a nice British response, I'd sign that.

      3. Munzly The Hermit

        Re: Note to El Reg:

        It's not a body-hair transplant then? I've been wondering what species the donor was?

  8. The Axe


    Some people like to be offended by anything and everything. Trump wants to do something in his own country and has chosen the perfect way to get the message out without having to spend millions of dollars in advertising. Yet people want to stop him from coming to this country, a country where he hasn't called for a Muslim ban or anything like it.

    He doesn't hate Muslims, as shown by the fact that he does business deals with them, just that the ISIS issue needs to be sorted out. And yes, ISIS is a Muslim terrorist organisation.

    As for Trump saying that our police are scared of Muslims, well the top brass might deny it (but then they're lily livered apologists & useful idiots for Islamists), but the normal policemen & women are saying he's right.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Jeez

      Well.. the media is to blame for much of this... consider what he said and the bit at the end that no one mentions: .... until our country's representatives can figure out what is going on".

      They totally ignore that part which actually the way it should work. Congress has to decide.

      Disclaimer: I'm not a Trump supporter or a Billary supporter. Just a voter who's following along at this point and trying to sort out the rhetoric. We have a situation here much like chocolate bars in a cesspool... Sorting out the chocolate from the crap is a tough job.

      1. Someone Else Silver badge

        @ Mark 85 -- Re: Jeez

        A chocolate bar in a cesspool is still inedible....

        1. Mark 85

          Re: @ Mark 85 -- Jeez

          Just like our candidates. Even if you separate them, both are unpalatable to normal human beings. Not one good one in lot.

      2. abit

        Re: Jeez

        Muslims are hostile extra-terrestrial - and their God is a hostile extra-terrestrial too.

        If God is not an extra-terrestrial then there is no such thing. And if blowing yourself up in a middle of a leisure crowd is not hostile I do not know what hostile is.

        It will take congress until the American continents cross the Pacific and reach Africa - to reach the same conclusion though

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Jeez

      "Trump saying that our police are scared of Muslims, well the top brass might deny it (but then they're lily livered apologists & useful idiots for Islamists), but the normal policemen & women are saying he's right"

      I've seen constables quoted that there are areas where they take care but not any statement that it's because of Muslims.

      1. Ilmarinen
        Big Brother

        Re: Jeez

        AC bleated "I've seen constables quoted that there are areas where they take care but not any statement that it's because of Muslims." A voice at the back piped up "well they wouldn't, would they? Even if it were true. Nobody wants to be accused of a 'HATE CRIME' and lose their job!"

    3. sisk

      Re: Jeez

      He doesn't hate Muslims, as shown by the fact that he does business deals with them, just that the ISIS issue needs to be sorted out.

      His many lies about Muslims, his call to ban Muslims from entering the US and impose a Nazi-like* registration scheme for the ones already here, and his general attitude towards Muslims bear out the fact that, yes, he does hate Muslims. Or at the very least he behaves in a hateful manner towards them. He just happens to love money more than he hates Muslims.

      *For once the Nazi comparison is realistic. What he's asking for is pretty much the exact same thing Hitler did to Jews at the beginning of that mess. I don't think he'd advocate rounding them up, but at this point I'm not surprised by anything that comes out of the man's mouth anymore.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Jeez -He just happens to love money more than he hates Muslims.

        Individual Nazis did in fact do deals with individual Jews. Towards the end of WW2 Himmler was busily engaged in selling German Jews in concentration camps to foreign Jewish organisations, but the varying conflicts of interest in Germany meant that he was less successful than he hoped. A nastier person never managed to commit suicide before he could be put on trial.

        In any case if Trump is doing deals with Wahabis or Salafists, they consider most US Muslims beyond the pale.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Jeez

      Do you remember the Monty Python "Hilter fuer ein besseres Minehead" sketch?

      You probably thought it was a documentary and went around saying "He's talking a lot of sense, you know."

    5. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

      Re: Jeez

      "He doesn't hate Muslims, as shown by the fact that he does business deals with them, just that the ISIS issue needs to be sorted out. And yes, ISIS is a Muslim terrorist organisation."

      The thing is, you only need to travel back in time 40 years and repeat all these rants and "discussions" but swap out "Muslim" for "Catholic" and maybe consider where a lot of the IRA funding came from.

      I don't remember being especially scared of Catholics in general or even Irish people in general back then. And the weird thing is, they looked just like "us".

  9. JustNiz

    All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

    I actually agree with Trump. Maybe if Europe could stop blindly hugging trees for a moment and look at whats really going on, they'd be keeping Muslims out too.

    The Qu'ran clearly says (multiple times) that in order to be a good Muslim you must (not just should, MUST) conduct Jihad, Its not even open to interpretation.

    This study: found that 7% of all muslims already in the US say that suicide bombings are sometimes justified and 1% say they are often justified.

    It also found that in several countries, a quarter or more of Muslims say that these acts of violence are at least sometimes justified, including 40% in the Palestinian territories, 39% in Afghanistan, 29% in Egypt and 26% in Bangladesh.

    Those percentages equate to a friggin large number of people that think killing innocent US/EU civilians is justfied, and right now they can pretty much walk right into the EU and US.

    Maybe if you morons who are all morally outraged by Trumps suggestion would just stop being led by the nose by the hippie leftist media, and actually checked for yourselves how big the scope of this problem actually is, you might agree that doing something tangible to protect yourselves is actually more important than inadvertently offending some illegals. If people worried more about their own safety than some ridiculous sense of political correctness then maybe the next Paris-like terror attack might actually be stopped before it happens.

    1. Triggerfish

      Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      "'If you reject my commands and abhor my laws you will eat the flesh of your own sons and the flesh of your own daughters"

      "‘If two men sleep with each other they will both have to be killed"

      "I do not allow for a woman to teach. You will have to cut off her hand. Do not forgive her."

      Thats all from the bible, consider yourself a good Christian go read Leviticus and give up the bacon and shellfish.

      Cherry picking from one religous book to justify predjudice?

      Whats the statistics on racist white power groups who think people should be killed for x reasons, or do they get away with saying shit like that because they are fashionably pale?

      Maybe if you were not so fearful of your safety (and lets be honest your more likely to be killed by all sorts of things than terrorists) you could enjoy some liberty. But your fears drive you to fascism.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        Triggerfish, FYI....

        The Old Testament of the Bible and the Koran are effectively considered the same story and cover most of the same topics and characters.

        Only the New Testament is considered the work that the "Hippie Jesus" (IE Modern Christianity) is responsible for.

        However, I wouldn't think that all you Brit atheists, numpty's and Muslims would quite understand the difference.

        Trump is not old testament fundamentalist Christian. However, ALL Muslims are old Testament fundamentalist Muslims. There is no Hippie Allah.

        On the other hand, you P.C. numpty's are all bent out of shape and you don't even comprehend that Donald Trump actually said the ban on new muslims entering this country would be temporary like the ban that ex President Jimmy Carter did when he was president.

        You wouldn't know that because YOUR news outlets conveniently left that out of many of their broadcasts.

        1. Triggerfish

          Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

          Actually I would say I was an Agnostic numpty with a leaning towards atheism.

          OK some questions.

          1. If the old testament is crock, why? what justification did you have for ignoring that bit of the word of god? Surely you shouldn't select what suits you?

          2. How do you know all muslims are following that fundamentalist bent from the Koran? have you interviewed them all? I ask this because from my limited sample of muslims I have met, a lot don't.

          3. Do you think that other religions can't grow an adapt?

          4. What makes yours the best religion?

          5. I didn't think Jews followed the new testament either and that it is also effectively the same, how comes we are not running from them?

          Also I know he said temporary until they sort out whats going on, first start would be realising that this is sort of what ISIS want, polarising people to cause conflict. So not only do I think it's a bit racist but I think its also not very astute on a world stage, (works fine though if appealing to a certain mindset to get the votes though).

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

            Can't answer all your questions, but the answer to 5) is probably something along the lines that they fit in with their neighbors and aren't known for the slicing folks heads off bit or any suicide bombing.

            Also interested to know that not all of your sample of muslims you have met, aren't "following that fundamentalist bent from the Koran" - what percentage are, do you think? Enough to worry about?

            I don't think we should stereotype, or be "Islamophobic" but I think we might have a bit of a problem and I don't know what the solution is...

            A/C because...

            1. Triggerfish

              Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

              Aaah clever yes of course good answer, growing up in the part of London I did just down the road from Green Street a.k.a Little India I do remember all the beheadings and bombings, how I laughed that one day as I walked down the road my Indian friend shouted "Dr Livingston I presume?", its memorable for the massive mob that tried to run me down and give me a good stoning for being kaffir. I may be lying there but it's a good story, (The Dr Livingston bits true though).

              Percentage dunno mate and I am guessing you don't really either. But considering the school I went to had a fair mix, and not just Indian and Pakistani persuasion, Libyan, Iraqis, Phillipinos, Afro-Carribean etc, and having my drinking years around places like there, Bethnal Green etc I can tell you the most dangerous demographic was drunk young white guy.

              I've worked with people from various faiths, hell joked with Muslims about being kaffir when they go for their Friday prayers, still not gonna turn down their wifes cooking for fear of poisoning. Stayed on mostly mulsim islands in Asia, never felt they were trying to kill me either.

              There's only one I worked with who I thought was fundamentalist and frankly they were pretty mentalist about a lot of things.

              As a percentage I dunno, from those I have met 1 out of a lot, probably less than 1% then I guess.

              I think really your answer should be, 5)some of them are known for this and it makes it less complicated for me to fear them all, tell me do you equate all Christians with the Westbro Church?

              Not A/C in the slightest....

              1. Anonymous Coward
                Anonymous Coward

                Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

                tell me do you equate all Christians with the Westbro Church?

                You'd be shocked how many people do that. The number of times I've been told that the only difference between me and WBC is that they say what I supposedly believe but won't say is astonishing. I kid you not, I've actually had people get in my face and tell me what I believe, and what they say usually has no resemblance to what I thought I believed.

                AC because religion bashing is all too common here.

          2. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers. - OK some questions.


            You won't get sensible answers from these guys. They are to the study of religions as a script kiddie is to a Chinese government approved computer espionage specialist.

            Religion may be a load of hot air, but so are a lot of human activities. Look at all the fuss over football, or the plots of the average Hollywood movie. The difference is that over the world as a whole more people follow one or other religion than follow most other activities.

            There's a billion and a half people who call themselves Muslims, ranging from the Kurds who have helped start a State which has a constitution guaranteeing tolerance and equality, to the Wahabis who have grafted the tribal beliefs of Arab slavers onto Islam. Anyone who pretends they are some sort of homogeneous mass may be equally misgudied about Christians and Jews and perhaps Buddhists; it's just that for some reason we don't usually conflate the Stamford Hill Chassidim with the majority of British Jews or ask the local vicar what goes on at the Kingdom Hall. Nor do most of us think that Richard Dawkins is a typical scientist (well, I hope not anyway).

            I agree with your last paragraph, but I would add this. I don't think there is any utility in asking whether the sacred books of a religion are "true" or not any more than it's useful to ask whether the flute in Mozart's opera really is magical. The big question is, does a religion give a structure to people's lives which enables them to live together, and with other people, more successfully, given that human kind cannot bear very much reality? If it does, it has at least a temporary use until psychology and neurology enable us to fix our social problems. If not, as Kipling wrote, "Holy State or Holy King-- Or Holy People's Will-- Have no truck with the senseless thing. Order the guns and kill!"

            1. Triggerfish

              Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers. - OK some questions. @ Voyna i Mor

              Ah I know man, I'm just bored and TV is crap.

              Personally I really couldn't care if someone was religious or not, worked with plenty of people from various religions and as long as they don't try and force their beliefs on me (had some good discussions though), then I am fine back. (Not a fan of Dawkins myself because of this), never bothered me to socialise with them either. People are either arses or they ain't really never thought colour, creed or sexual prevalence made much difference to that.

              I asked about which book was more true because the poster seemed to think that one was better than the other whilst also saying they were fundamentally the same, it becomes a silly argument, I was curious as to how they would justify it.

              Never quite got the apple v android thing either though tbh.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

          > "You wouldn't know that because YOUR news outlets conveniently left that out of many of their broadcasts."

          But those outlets have names like "New York Times" and the "Nightly News"! They aren't "lefty progressive media"! The real lefty progressive media is calling for indictment of anyone denying AWG or disrespecting any minority, gender, blood type or PH level.

        3. Pompous Git Silver badge

          Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

          ALL Muslims are old Testament fundamentalist Muslims.

          Some peoples have shit for brains don't they? Here's a Sufi Muslim singing about a real motor bike:

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.- @Pompous Git

            "Here's a Sufi Muslim singing about a real motor bike:"

            Vincent owners are the real fundamentalists in my experience.

            1. Pompous Git Silver badge

              Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.- @Pompous Git

              Vincent owners are the real fundamentalists in my experience.

              I had a girlfriend in the 70s who owned a Triumph Bonneville. She was a lot of fun :-)

          2. Alan Brown Silver badge

            Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

            "Here's a Sufi Muslim singing about a real motor bike"

            Not to mention that Muslims know a lot about Jesus. His mother is a major figure in islam.

            They'll agree with the Messiah bit and the important prophet part, they just don't necessarily go along with the "son of god"(*) bit.

            It's worth doing a bit of research. Whoever Jesus may have been, all the original stuff was in tightly rhyming amaraic and its a lot easier to see what got nailed on or bent around to suit later politics.

            (Examples: A better translation of "Our father" is "Daddy!" and the Son of god bit was "we are all children of god". The heretical part about the teaching was the "God loves everyone" bit vs "God only loves Jews, must be obeyed, has temper tantrums when ignored and everyone else can be killed with impunity". And the whole "For thine is the kingdom" bit? Nailed on later in Greek, probably by Paul.)

            Getting back on topic, this whole religious fundamentalism shizdoggle is the last gasps of the Cold War. Fundamentalism was one of the things encouraged to ward off the Godless Commies and like many other cold war policies it's developed a bit of a life of its own long after the reasons for it died off.

            Trump should be banned for the sake of consistency. He's promoting Hate Speech and a bunch of lesser-known people have already been barred for that. If he's not then there's a major issue (selectively enforced laws are corruption writ large) and if he is it may well force a reexamination of the laws themselves.

            1. sisk

              Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

              probably by Paul

              Paul was long dead by the time that bit got tacked on. IANA theologian, but if memory serves the earliest manuscripts with that bit in them that we have were written in the 3rd century.

          3. Dan Paul

            Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

            No, your inability to read what I said and comprehend it is pretty disappointing. I would say you have

            There is ONLY a NEW Testament in Christianity, not the Koran.

            Therefore, there are only old testament FUNDAMENTALIST Muslims who believe in Jihad. Refuting the actions of their murderous brethren has not happened so they are all guilty of complicity. Those so called "Peaceful Muslims" have not issued a fatwa against terrorism and the murders and rapes of non Islamic peoples.

      2. JustNiz

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        Sorry but I'm not a Christian either. Go take your mistaken preconceptions elsewhere.

      3. JustNiz

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        Your argument is stupid. Not that I'm a christian either, but if you can't see the significant difference in actual behaviour today between proponents of christianity and proponents of Islam, then you must be incredibly stupid.

        1. Triggerfish

          Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

          Didn't mean to imply you were although reading it I guess it did, I was making a point about similar laws being ignored in one book and not the other. Sampling bias and a cognitive disconnect between one religion being able to ignore certain laws and another being seen as not ever being able to.

          I live in the UK, I have lived in many areas with muslims and no I can't. I can see there are some fundamentalists that are causing every muslim to be tarred with the same brush but I haven't seen any massive uprising going on from our native populace, have you then?

          I also grew up in London during the eighties, you would not believe the amount of times as a kid I have been evacuated from a shop because of a bomb scare, it got boring, (although I do feel uncomfortable if I see a left bag at a train station, all those signs you'd see on the underground gets to you) By your reasoning I should fear the Irish.

        2. BenR

          Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

          You mean differences in actual behaviour between Christians and Muslims like this:

          Or these:

          Or perhaps these groups of people:

          Just for a few examples. Your comparison is absolutely inane. Tarring an entire group - be it racial, theological, by country of origin, hair colour, whatever - because of the actions of a few is one of the highest forms of idiocy, beaten only by attempts to justify whatever bigoted nonsense has just spewed forth from your face-hole.

          1. Alien8n

            Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

            For those who seem convinced that terrorists aren't Christian, I have only this to say. The IRA still exists. I also don't recall anyone calling for a ban on all Irish Catholics during the 70s and 80s.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

              "I also don't recall anyone calling for a ban on all Irish Catholics during the 70s and 80s."

              That's because the IRA was supported by a number of US politicians - and, as we now know, Trump.

      4. P. Lee

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        >Cherry picking from one religous book to justify predjudice?

        Easy to do, although presenting sentences from different books as a single quote may be more than just cherry picking. "Take the text out of context, you're left with a con." Cut off her hand? Well, if she tried to forcibly castrate someone in the heat of someone else's fight (Deut 25), maybe that was considered appropriate. For teaching? Probably not, but that wasn't the context.

        There is more merit to the argument than you are admitting though. While putting together the odd quote is dangerous, we do seem to be very surprisingly shy about evaluating beliefs. "What Would Jesus Do?" bracelets were popular at one time. I see no reason why we should not ask, "What Would Mohamed Do?" As the chief exponent of Islam, how did Mohamed behave? Why not apply IT or business analyst skills to the problem? If we take the life of Mohamed and the Quran as "architectural governance" what sort of HLD or detailed design for life do we end up with? If we take the Bible and the life of Jesus, what sort of principles do we apply to come up with a detailed design for living? If we take the Hindu, Buddhist, Communist, Nazi or Atheist writings, what sort of values can we derive from them?

        I'm not talking about taking any old person as an example of their value system. The question is, who is considered the best model of that belief system? Did they live up to the values they espouse? Were their actions compliant with their beliefs? If we did a traceability matrix what would be the result?

        When we look at the follower's actions, are they compliant with their beliefs? Westboro Baptist church for example, is probably out of compliance with their nominally stated belief system. If I follow the humanist manifesto or the communist manifesto or Buddhist scripture or Mein Kampf or Donald Trump, is there a logic, stated or implied which governs (or fails to govern) my actions?

        We need to stop pushing religion into the "private only" sphere because it is really about what drives us and like it or not, it has a public effect. Religions certainly re-badge "values" as "religion." Put aside reservations about the supernatural, re-badge "religion" as "values" if that makes the analysis easier.

        All religions are not the same. They logically contradict each other. Lumping them together is about as sensible as putting the Taliban leaders and the Swiss government in one category, on the basis that they are both political. We need to evaluate the content of value systems and the compliance of our leaders to the value systems they espouse, not just take a sound-bite and get back to watching "The Good Wife."

        1. Triggerfish

          Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

          Ah have I misquoted that's my bad an error of poor research on my part rather than an attempt to be disingenuous. I stand corrected.

      5. Schlimnitz

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        Straw man, and I'm not ever sure you're informed enough to know it.

        Can you reproduce the Pew statistics, but with Christians currently supporting (let alone implementing) the recommendations your are quoting (or misquoting, for the third)?

      6. Alan Brown Silver badge

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        "Whats the statistics on racist white power groups who think people should be killed for x reasons"

        Or the statistics on terrorist acts committed within the USA by white christians(*) vs evil brown people.

        (*) Oh yes: "They're not terrorists, they're just misunderstood loners with anger issues."

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      Some of those studies cited by that organization are already 4 or more years out of date.

    3. graeme leggett Silver badge

      Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      I'll leave lefty progressive media alone if you'll stop taking everything the reactionary conservative press feeds you as gospel.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

    4. sisk

      Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      Good idea. Let's look at the numbers, shall we?

      There are approximately 1.5 billion Muslims in the world.

      There have been an estimated 25,000 terrorist attacks in the world since 9/11.

      Let's assume for the sake of argument that each of those terrorist attacks took 100 people to plan and execute (a blatantly ridiculous number, I'm sure you'll agree, especially since most terrorists work alone), that each attack was a completely separate group of 100 terrorists (again blatantly ridiculous) and that all of them are alive today. That would mean that there are approximately 2,500,000 terrorists in the world today. Now lets go a step further and assume that all of them were Muslim (which we know isn't the case).

      Using those numbers we get that 0.16% of all Muslims are terrorists. IF there were 100 people involved in every single terror attack in the last 15 years, IF they were each a unique group of 100 people, IF they were all alive still, and IF each and every one of them were Muslim. All of those are obviously ludicrous assertions to inflate our estimate of how many Islamic terrorists there are in the world and we still arrive at a percentage so small that it's barely even a statistical blip.

      When you drop those ridiculous assertions and start working with real world data the figure drops to 0.00005% (an estimate, admittedly, but an estimate from people who know what they're talking about).

      Perhaps YOU should be looking at numbers before you go throwing around insults.

      1. Dan Paul

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        The fact that almost all Terrorists are Muslims and that almost all terrorist acts are committed by those of Islamic beliefs, seems to have escaped your rapier like wit.

        You are promoting the same BS and expecting different results.

    5. Someone Else Silver badge

      @Just Niz -- Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      This study: found that 7% of all muslims already in the US say that suicide bombings are sometimes justified and 1% say they are often justified.

      I'm sure you could conduct a poll in the hinter regions of the Southern United States where 7% of the respondants state that lynchings of black folk are sometimes justified, and 1% say they are often justified.

    6. the spectacularly refined chap Silver badge

      Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      This study ... found that 7% of all muslims already in the US say that suicide bombings are sometimes justified and 1% say they are often justified.

      Which means absolutely nothing, 1% is the sort of figure you'll get for any position in any survey. As for the 7%, is "sometimes" really an outrageous position?

      Consider the Black Buck missions in the Falklands War: these are often portrayed as a heroic story of British derring-do, certainly not dishonourable in any way. One of the bombers only got a fraction of the fuel it needed in the final air-to-air refuelling before the strike. Radio silence was in play so clarifying the situation was out. The crew's decision? Proceed with the strike and ditch in the South Atlantic. From that point on it was a suicide bombing mission.

      You can argue about whether the strikes were justified, that is the realm of politics. However, it's difficult to argue the strikes were not justifiable. You only need to show it once for "sometimes" to be valid.

      For completion, yes the crew got home safely. The tanker crew were aware of the situation and another tanker sent further forward than originally planned to pick them up before they had to ditch. The bomber crew didn't know that when carrying out the strike.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        > "...1% is the sort of figure you'll get for any position in any survey. As for the 7%, is "sometimes" really an outrageous position?"

        Okay then, let's see you provide counterpoint polling from non-Muslim areas. You know, the kind where 7% of all Christians believe it's sometimes okay to slaughter innocent men, women and children via suicide bombing, if the cause is just. Tell you what, just show us where 7% of any tiny backwoods population wants blacks to be lynched. We'll wait.

        Psst: I bet you can't...

    7. Alan Brown Silver badge

      Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

      "The Qu'ran clearly says (multiple times) that in order to be a good Muslim you must (not just should, MUST) conduct Jihad, Its not even open to interpretation."

      I suggest you acquiant yourself with the meaning in that book, vs the meaning that various extremist idiots have given it in conjunction with an overly pandering western press.

      Jihad as mentioned is a mental struggle to vanquish the bad parts within yourself (ie, self examination and criticism) It's only more recently that it's been subverted to be any kind of violent war on other people.

      Modern Religion generally consists of the crooked leading the gullible and the extremist are cases in point.

      1. Dan Paul

        Re: All you treehuggers need to look at the numbers.

        Alan, What kind of idiot are you? They didn't take that barbaric statement out of the most recent printing of the Koran. It's still there and it is gullible fools like you that discount their murderous behavior that will end up being killed by what you are trying to protect.

        Stop reading between the lines looking for mysterious meanings, the threat is plainly obvious and they want all non Muslims dead. Jihad means war and you are a fool.

  10. David 132 Silver badge

    Ah, the old "free speech as long as we agree with it" policy

    "Oh no! Someone said something that offends me! Ban him! On no account must I ever be exposed to viewpoints that stress me! Trigger warnings! Safe spaces! Microaggressions!"

    The solution to "offensive" speech - and remember, everyone's definition of "offensive" is slightly different - is not to ban it. That just feeds the mentality of martyrdom and victimhood.

    Instead, provide better counter arguments. Let Trump's viewpoints be heard, as widely as possible. Argue cogently against them - again, as widely as possible. Provide clear & concrete examples of why his suggestions wouldn't work. Hint: it should be very easy to do so, if he's as wrong and deluded as you think he is.

    If you just drop the ban-hammer on viewpoints you don't like, it only makes people think "hmm, there must have been something valid in that argument..."

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Ah, the old "free speech as long as we agree with it" policy

      Oh dear... a logical argument in a world of SJW, political correctness, and knee jerk reactions. Have an upvote.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Ah, the old "free speech as long as we agree with it" policy

        Mark, we should all know that the SJWs, PCists and Common Purpose graduates are totally blind to anything logical and only react to key words dismissing everything said between those words.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Ah, the old "free speech as long as we agree with it" policy

          Maybe I'm over-optimistic, but I automatically assume something like this is a political move, e.g. simply to force debate in Parliament - and the attending news coverage - while not for a moment believing he will be banned.

          1. sisk

            Re: Ah, the old "free speech as long as we agree with it" policy

            Maybe I'm over-optimistic, but I automatically assume something like this is a political move

            That could well be. It'd be one way that Brits could influence the American election. After all it would be pretty hard to elect a President who's not allowed to visit our closest allies.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    No, let him in.

    Just ensure that wherever he goes there are boxes of rotten fruit, vegatables and eggs available on free issue. The local constabulary will also need to be issued with Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      > Joo Janta 200 Super-Chromatic Peril Sensitive Sunglasses

      Reminds me, someone has suggested that Trump would be an ideal presidential candidate, in the vein of Zaphod Beeblebrox -- "If there's anything more important than my ego around, I want it caught and shot now."

      Someone else noted a similarity between Trump and Zaphod: "One of the major difficulties the Republican party has experienced in their relationship with Trump was learning to distinguish between him pretending to be stupid just to get people off their guard, pretending to be stupid because he couldn't be bothered to think and wanted someone else to do it for him, pretending to be outrageously stupid to hide the fact that he actually didn’t understand what was going on, and really being genuinely stupid. He was renowned for being amazingly clever and quite clearly was so—but not all the time, which obviously worried him, hence, the act. He preferred people to be puzzled rather than contemptuous."

      1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

        On a similar (Zaphodish) note

        "As democracy is perfected, the office of president represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." — H. L. Mencken

        1. Alan Brown Silver badge

          Re: On a similar (Zaphodish) note

          "the White House will be adorned by a downright moron"

          Already happened.

  12. Chris Tierney

    "Border Guards to ask the Muslim question at point of entry"

    That'll stop the terrorists.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: "Border Guards to ask the Muslim question at point of entry"

      "That'll stop the terrorists."

      There is an American solution to this problem. See

  13. Blipvert

    Don't ban 'The Donald'

    Just ban his barber.

    1. Geoffrey W

      Re: Don't ban 'The Donald'

      He doesn't have a barber; he has a handler

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Don't ban 'The Donald'

      "Just ban his barber."

      What will Boris Johnson do then?!

    3. Blipvert

      Re: Don't ban 'The Donald'

      Haven't seen this many commentards posting since El Reg flogged off some Hard drives a few weeks ago!

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Sign the free speech petition here:

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Petition

      If there was a petition to tighten up the rules on banning people I would sign it. The one you linked is not a free speech petition, it's a Trump-exception petition. Nice try, but no cigar as a previous president might have said.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Petition

        So the one that wants to ban the fellow, which this one is simply a reversal of, is OK is it?

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Petition

          I'm only explaining why I don't give two trumps about this petition. Nobody has tried to represent the other one as anything other than what it is, which is a "Fuck Trump" petition. This one is a "Hug Trump" petition which you pretended was a free speech petition, so I called out the lie, that's all. I never said I cared about the other one either.

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    All religion should be classified as 'if you want to do it, do it, but don't push your ideals onto others' - i.e. make it like stamp collecting or train spotting.

    And don't tolerate making laws or protection or anything else that these people do or want (including the stupid religious rules where sheikh's don't have to wear crash helmets, or employers have to change rules on H&SE PPE to allow muslin women walk around masked or muslims need to pray to allah every 6 hours or want not).

    Get RID OF IT.

    1. MattPi

      Re: Basically

      "All religion should be classified as 'if you want to do it, do it, but don't push your ideals onto others' - i.e. make it like stamp collecting or train spotting."

      You clearly haven't been following the Militant Stamp Collector stories, but that's understandable as the main-stream press won't talk about it.

      1. Geoffrey W

        Re: Basically

        Not to mention the radical train spotters that want to drag us all back to the steam ages. Egg butties and Tizer for all! ANORAK IS GREAT!

        1. hplasm

          Re: Basically

          "ANORAK IS GREAT!"

          Tizer is the work of Stan (sic). Weak Lemon Drink is the only true brew!


          1. Triggerfish

            Re: Basically

            You're all wrong it's Irn Bru and I have a hungover army of Glaswegians for my army.

            1. Geoffrey W

              Re: Basically

              Thou shalt not deviate from Bradshaw! I sentence you to ride electric trams for all eternity! ANORAK IS GREAT!

          2. tiggity Silver badge

            Re: Basically

            Upvote for Kevin Eldon reference

        2. MJI Silver badge

          Re: Basically

          Sorry not on, as a member of the Blue Diesel sect I want 37s 50s Deltic and 47s everywhere.

          And HSTs should be in their original colours and have Valentas.

          Death to the Sheds.

          Centres of worship at Falcon works and Vulcan Foundry

          1. Geoffrey W

            Re: Basically

            You Blue Diesel sect reformation modernists will bring doom to us all. Martyr yourself now and be granted the key to Thomas and retain your virginity for 72 lifetimes. ANORAK IS GREAT!

            1. MJI Silver badge

              Re: Basically

              Erm some of us managed to get married and have kids. My wife has to put up with a pile of Airfix air con and Lima Mark2 body shells being detailed.

              Etched window frames removes any hint of toyness to the Limas

      2. P. Lee

        Re: Basically

        >All religion should be classified as 'if you want to do it, do it, but don't push your ideals onto others' - i.e. make it like stamp collecting or train spotting...

        >GET RID OF IT.

        It depends what you call "religion."

        "Worship" is a contraction of "Worthy-ship." It is about what you consider to be most worthy of your time, effort and resources.

        Are you still suggesting that everything that anyone considers worthy of time, effort and resources should be classed as a hobby and we should GET RID OF IT?

        Or are we only getting rid of the things you don't approve of?

        Irony-troll is watching you.

        1. Julian Bradfield

          Re: Basically

          Just to be pedantic, "worship" comes from "worthship", not "worthyship". There's no trace of -ig/-y anywhere in its history.

    2. sisk

      Re: Basically

      And don't tolerate making laws or protection or anything else that these people do or want (including the stupid religious rules where sheikh's don't have to wear crash helmets, or employers have to change rules on H&SE PPE to allow muslin women walk around masked or muslims need to pray to allah every 6 hours or want not).

      Seriously, why NOT let a Muslim woman walk around masked, as their religion demands? Why not let a Muslim man pray every 6 hours if that's what they believe? It's not like it affects you in the slightest. Rules that prevent people from exercising their religious beliefs are wrong when those religious beliefs don't hurt anyone or affect their ability to do their jobs.

      There is a reason that civilized society decided that religion is worth protecting. Religion is very central to the lives of many believers. That being the case on what grounds can you justify forcing a woman who believes she'll go to hell if she shows her face in public to take off her mask? You are essentially telling such a woman that she has to either give up any chance at having a life outside of her home or condemn her soul to hell. That is just plain cruel. It would be no better than forcing a militant atheist to attend church every week or face prison time.

      1. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Basically

        "Seriously, why NOT let a Muslim woman walk around masked, as their religion demands? Why not let a Muslim man pray every 6 hours if that's what they believe? It's not like it affects you in the slightest. Rules that prevent people from exercising their religious beliefs are wrong when those religious beliefs don't hurt anyone or affect their ability to do their jobs."

        IIRC that may have been one of the prime founding principles of the USA. But that was a long time ago and the Trump is nothing if not modern and forward thinking...oh wait...

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Basically

        Simple reply - all religious beliefs are total bollocks in the year 2015 (maybe not in 1415).

        1. sisk

          Re: Basically

          Simple reply - all religious beliefs are total bollocks in the year 2015

          It's 2015 and more than 90% of all human beings still believe in a higher power of some form or another. Whether or not you personally do is really not a valid point.

  16. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    On the one side Donald Trump and on the other side religious fanatics, I'm just an atheist stuck between the two who likes neither of them.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I think this is being taken too seriously...he swung the focus of his rambling bollocks briefly on the UK and the UK is just letting him have a salvo back in the form of a petition.

    It's beautiful...a clear, proudly upraised middle finger with the power of a quarter of a million personal "fuck you"'s behind it. Top quality passive-aggressiveness that makes one proud to be British.

    1. This post has been deleted by its author

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Mine was more a two-fingered flicking of the V and a "fark off"....

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        UPDATE: Half a million.

  18. Terry 6 Silver badge

    Follow the money

    I only did a little bit of reading about Trump. Mostly the usual place.


    He appears to be built on celebrity, in the widest and most shallow sense.

    Much of his wealth is based on his selling his name to give an identity to organisations that he doesn't actually own.

    Much, if not all, of the wealth he inherited he managed to lose.

    On the road to that he did indeed make a fair bit of money at one point. Mostly by buying and renting out cheaper properties at times of high demand, by ignoring the rent control rules that existed and accepting only tenants that could afford the higher rents.

    So now, getting publicity and fame increases his value and what he can ask to license his name.

    Or did I misread it in some way?

    1. Lars

      Re: Follow the money

      More about the guy as a businessman in this video.

      I don't like that guy and since some time ago, when I see his small round mouth my arse has started to argue with him, very annoying, I can't understand the language but I feel the smell. Coat as there is no icon for diapers.

    2. P. Lee

      Re: Follow the money

      >He appears to be built on celebrity, in the widest and most shallow sense.

      He's a middle-aged white male Kardashian?

      As ye behold, so shall ye vote.

    3. Mark 85

      Re: Follow the money

      He was known as a rich ass for a lot of years. His current status has come from two words he would utter on reality show (for some value of reality) usually to some snot-nose asswipe: "Your fired". People ate that up and they now think he's a wise businessman. No... he's still a schmuck. Elect him at your peril.

    4. Yet Another Anonymous coward Silver badge

      Re: Follow the money

      >So now, getting publicity and fame increases his value and what he can ask to license his name.

      Which is now back firing in the land above the land of the free.

      It's suddenly getting very difficult to sell Trump tower in multicultural Vancouver

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Trump this

    Trump while not the sharpest tool in the shed and certainly not politically correct, has made some reasonable statements that mainstream media loves to take out of context to chastise him. Anyone who actually paid attention knows that Trump stated that no Muslims should be allowed into the U.S. without proper vetting. That's completely different than saying the U.S. should not allow any Muslims to enter - period. The issue is and will always be security and terrorism. Before anyone is allowed in the U.S. they need to go through proper channels and it doesn't matter if Trump states this fact outright in what many deem as not being politically correct or not, it's a reality.

    The Hispanics that do not believe that drug dealers, rapists and other criminals come to the U.S. as illegal aliens, are in deep, deep denial. Of course it's not politically correct to state the obvious and clueless Hispanics will take Trump's accurate statement as a personal affront, when he's just stating the truth. Most people in the U.S. and in main stream media simply can not handle the truth when presented with it, because of course we have become so politically correct that we lie to ourselves to make everything OK. Denial is not a river in Egypt. It's what many people use to ignore reality. That reality however can get you killed.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Trump this

      Does the US not have homegrown "drug dealers, rapists and other criminals" ? Importing as illegal aliens seems a lot of work.

      1. Triggerfish

        Re: Trump this

        Does the US not have homegrown "drug dealers, rapists and other criminals" ? Importing as illegal aliens seems a lot of work.

        Fecking outsourcing man its everywhere.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Trump this

        "Does the US not have homegrown "drug dealers, rapists and other criminals" ? "

        Where I live, it seems that the large majority of street dealers are Gambian. Since the average local is blonde and blue eyed, the "individuals of colour" stand out like dogs bollocks.

        As to whether it would have been cheaper to have the locals do it, I suspect the local chapter of the HA (or Bandidos) is pulling the strings. Gambians are in fact cheaper, dumber, and a lot easier to replace. I suspect the same is true in the US for their imported drug dealer class.

    2. sisk

      Re: Trump this

      The Hispanics that do not believe that drug dealers, rapists and other criminals come to the U.S. as illegal aliens, are in deep, deep denial.

      The issue is that Trump implied, rather blatantly, that non-criminal Hispanic immigrants were the exception. No one is dumb enough to believe that there aren't immigrants who are criminals, but when you start saying that MOST of them are then there's a problem.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Trump this

        > "The issue is that Trump implied, rather blatantly, that non-criminal Hispanic immigrants were the exception."

        Yes, it sure seems quite inflammatory, doesn't it? But let's say he was more reasonable and said that there are a somewhat higher % of bad apples in the flood of illegals than in-country per capita, and so we must address this as a nation. They just call him a liar and tell people to move on.

        By going over the top tho, he's tricked them into vociferous denials. That combo triggers many people to wonder, then to ask questions.

        It's the last thing the Democrats want to happen. All they want is for the flood of future Dem voters to continue. The resulting crime rate increase can be blamed on the GOP's policies, as usual.

  20. sisk

    Hey, great idea. Can we have a petition to ban him from the US also?

  21. John H Woods

    Donald Trump: "[parts of London are] so radicalised the police are afraid for their lives"

    Boris Johnson: "As a city where more than 300 languages are spoken, London has a proud history of tolerance and diversity and to suggest there are areas where police officers cannot go because of radicalisation is simply ridiculous ... Crime has been falling steadily both in London and in New York - the only reason I wouldn't go to some parts of New York is the real risk of meeting Donald Trump"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Scroll to the bottom.

      2. Triggerfish

        Links to Breibart should always be treated as dubious.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          The Daily Mail describes Breitbart as "right wing"...

  22. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Parliament doesn't take any notice of inconvenient e-petitions

    Like the recent no confidence in Cameron petition.

    British discrimination, dirty tricks and pseudo-democracy at work again.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Parliament doesn't take any notice of inconvenient e-petitions

      Ever since the first ever petition to pass the threshold, which read "We the undersigned urge the prime minister to: RESIGN!"

      (That one being Brown of course)

  23. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Bateman - Mr Carson, get down on your knees, so Donald can see your asshole.

    Bateman - Phill Collins solo efforts seem to be more commercial and therefore more satisfying in a narrower way, especially songs like "In the Air Tonight" and "Against All Odds." Donald, don't just stare at it. Eat it.

  24. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "there is no indication the billionaire überpatriot intends to visit our shores."

    Doesn't he have some business in Scotland to do with balls (appropriately enough)? He might want to visit that.

  25. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    How sure can we be that this vote isn't being given something of a mechanical boost by someone? Although I'd love to think all those signatures are individual voters all voicing their personal opinions, I'm struggling to believe that 22,322 British voters in the last hour really care *that* much about Donald Trump that they fill in a form and confirm by email. That just seems like a hell of a lot.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Dunno where you live, AC, but given the general mood here in the UK against racist bigots, I wouldn't be surprised if the petition topped a million signatories, given sufficient time. Bearing in mind that to register one has to do exactly what you described, I find it harder to credit that anyone;d come up with some automated way of padding the numbers so quickly.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        It's just that I've followed some of the other petitions on that site, and I know how incredibly hard the campaigners have had to work to get those signature numbers to the magic 100,000, how long it takes, and how heartbreaking it is for a genuine wide-appeal cause to fail to get there in six months.

        This petition has only been live since Tuesday. I'd really love to think my fellow-Britons are that engaged in international politics but I have to admit that it seems just as likely that one of my fellow-Britons might be a person with a lively sense of humour, a certain level of development competence, a copy of the electoral roll, and a lot of throwaway email addresses.

        I just wondered if anyone knew how the numbers were validated, if the ips are checked and so on. Maybe it is just that everyone's doing it.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          The reason this one gets so many signatures compared to real issues is because it's tabloidy. Tabloidy petitions always get more attention if they get noticed by the tabloids.

          Witness Clarkson.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        "against racist bigots"

        Just to point out that Islam isn't a race, and therefore being against Islam isn't being racist. There are plenty of white Muslims.

  26. This post has been deleted by its author

  27. nilfs2

    I want Trump to become president...

    ...just to see the hilarity, lolz would be guaranteed.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I want Trump to become president...

      All things considered, I think I prefer my lulz conventional, not nuclear.

      1. Anonymous Coward

        Re: I want Trump to become president...

        "All things considered, I think I prefer my lulz conventional, not nuclear."


  28. abit

    Are you insane?

    In the US the FBI suppose to leave no stone unturned to capture a person or a group who kills more than once, and/or crosses state lines, or whatever...

    I trust the agents will do the same the person was any race, color or religion

    I trust it would act the exact same in the case the suspect were a group etc..

    The law is probably much dated, hard to interpret, unforgiving, rigid. Offers no chances to deal, to compromise, a very unpolitical and unsocial institution. It makes a decent effort to be as blind as justice is, but it is not certifiable.

    So not knowing the law will not exclude you for any reason, on any grounds... you must be a 5-years old or a retard if you miss the spirit of the law. Therefore I have no respect for anyone who believes that ancient law is wrong just because of the time passed, or a new law is right just because the time passed, or the spirit of the law is subject to his or her intellectual capacity to circumvent it or simply by-pass it.

    There, if you are wrong and you do not realize you are wrong it is not because the law missed it, or you are out-smarted it/ It is because your fundamental values are rotten, and nothing is going to change that.

    If you are a politician this is a disaster. You should have stayed a writer, a poet, a business person - whatever made you a success and powerful - but... public service is not for you.

    Unless of course you are certifiably mental - simply insane and nobody has a clue what you are going to do next

  29. andrewj

    Can't be long until someone pulls the chain and sends him down the loo with all the other floaters.

  30. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Donald turned me into a newt...


  31. Winkypop Silver badge

    Great value

    I always hoped Donald Trump would make for interesting viewing.

    How I under estimated the man.

    Crazy as a cut snake on a hot tin roof!

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Great value

      Maybe not as crazy as we think... I've done a bit of reading and Carter blocked Iranians coming to the US until some things got sorted out. There is a precedent and when Carter was in office, there wasn't as much political correctness as there is now.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Great value

        "Carter blocked Iranians coming to the US until some things got sorted out"

        I think there's a difference between the nationals of a specific country in specific circumstances (with the connivance of the Iranian govt a rabble had taken over the US embassy) and members of a religion from a wide range of countries.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Great value

        Bit of a difference between blocking residents of a particular country from entering another country, that's done every day all around the world.

        Blocking residents of any country from entering another country based on their religious views is an entirely different action.

        Since most of the people involved in recent terrorist attacks seem to sport a beard maybe they should close their borders to all people with beards

  32. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Just because someone is shouting the loudest doesn't make them the majority.

  33. Will Godfrey Silver badge

    Obvious really

    We have so much stupidity from gubbermint in the UK that we recognise it instantly and no way do we want any more imported from the USA!

  34. This post has been deleted by its author

  35. Concerned Bystander

    Straw democracy.

    The petition is pointless. At least until after the election.

    There is no way that Mr Cameron is going to bar the doors of this country to a man whose backside he may soon have to bury his nose in (in the eventuality of Trump managing somehow tro win the election).

  36. PapaD

    Free Speech

    I always find it amusing that so many people argue about the right to free speech, and yet somehow totally miss the fact that allowing free speech does not mean you get to ignore the consequences.

    You can say whatever you want, you just have to accept that some things have consequences. Banning Trump from coming to the UK isn't stopping his right to free speech - he can say whatever the hell he wants, and we will laugh, and provide whatever 'f**k you' responses that seem appropriate.

    This is just one consequence, there is no request here to gag Trump (because that would just be boring).

  37. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Peanut Jimmy

    Didn't Jimmy Carter, while actually the sitting president of the United States, temporarily prohibit the entry into the united states of all Iranians?

    Not to mention various other previous POTUS wartime edicts of similar ilk, such as the internment of Japanese during WWII.

    The left wing media needs to get over itself and get acquainted with history.

    1. graeme leggett Silver badge

      Re: Peanut Jimmy

      History tells us this:

      That under that well-known right winger Reagan and Bush there was an official apology for the internment of Japanese Americans

      "We can never fully right the wrongs of the past. But we can take a clear stand for justice and recognize that serious injustices were done to Japanese Americans during World War II.

      In enacting a law calling for restitution and offering a sincere apology, your fellow Americans have, in a very real sense, renewed their traditional commitment to the ideals of freedom, equality, and justice."

    2. Mark 85

      Re: Peanut Jimmy

      Indeed he did. I pointed that out elsewhere but the PC types will ignore this because Carter is an icon.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Peanut Jimmy

      By the way ... my grandfather was interned ... I don't hold a grudge and neither did he. He hung in there, waited til WWII was done and dusted, then got right on with his life and the freedoms his adopted country afforded him.

      I really tire of the left wing apologist clap trap.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Peanut Jimmy

        Good for you two. But still doesn't make it right.

        The cause of the internment during WWII has been given as "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership."

        No parallels....

        1. Mark 85

          Re: Peanut Jimmy

          No one said it was "right" did we. Just that there is a precedent and no backlash from it. Trump wants the same ban.. temporary until Congress, etc. can sort out how to deal with this situation. Is that really a problem?

          Here's my previous on this:

          I won't get into his other statements, just this one as Trump is still an ass and even blind squirrel gets an acorn once in awhile.

    4. Alan Brown Silver badge

      Re: Peanut Jimmy

      "Not to mention various other previous POTUS wartime edicts of similar ilk, such as the internment of Japanese during WWII."

      One of Trump's Aides was on Radio 4 last night trying to justify the speech by saying that what he proposed was the same as interning japanese americans in WW2

      The legal fallout from that action took a long time to settle - and it wasn't in favour of the government.

  38. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Get a grip people

    Maybe after a few more EU massacres you folks will come to understand that the world is at war with Islamic extremists who's goal it is to kill all who do not support Islam.

    Be careful what you ask for to lead the U.S. as there currently is no one running who is qualified or deserving of doing so including the existing POS, POTUS.

    1. PapaD

      Re: Get a grip people

      I'm sorry, a few more?

      Half of Europe has been bombed, attacked, shot at etc, for far longer than Islamic fundamentalists have been the problem

      In the UK we had the IRA (technically still do), for a long time, most countries have had their own similar experiences (incidentally, the IRA received a lot of funding from the USA, so should we have blamed all Americans for what they did?)

      Besides, in the US, you lose more people to home grown lunatics of a non-Islamic bent than from any other source. If you were that worried about people being killed, you'd deal with that first. Chance of being injured by a terrorist attack in the US is amazingly tiny, whilst the chance of being shot in a mass shooting of a non-religious bent is surprisingly high - time to sort out your priorities maybe?

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Get a grip people

      @AC - get a grip AC, we're perfectly well aware of that, and we want to remain friends with the sane, moderate Muslim majority, rather than push them towards radicalism, which is all that idiots like Trump will achieve.

      Sheesh, engage brain before posting next time, eh?

      @PapaD - well said. The USA's record of encouraging (whether wittingly or not) and supporting terrorism speaks for itself.

  39. Raedwald Bretwalda

    "there is no indication the billionaire überpatriot intends to visit our shores."

    Yes there is. He wants to become President of the USA. And the President of the USA visits the UK quite often:

    Obama has visited 4 times, Bush Jnr 5 times, Clinton 7 times, Bush Snr. 3 times.

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      Wouldn't he be obliged to spend some time in quarantine when he enters Britain, on account of the thing on his head?

    2. Mark 85

      Well crap. If you won't let him in, where can we send him to? Must be someplace to put him so he's not bothering people.

      1. ShadowDragon8685

        It would cost a hell of a lot of money, but I'd fully support any one-way ticket to the moon for Mr. Trump.

  40. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    All Trump did was state the obvious, if 25% of American Muslims feel violence against Americans is justified then which is quite a lot then why not ban them until they find out why this is the case? For some reason the poll he was referencing was redacted from the media reporting, but if you watch the video you will find out about it. I was also surprised to find out what 20% of British muslims felt the 7/7 attacks were justified, and 36% of 16- to 24-year-olds British Muslims believed that those converting to another religion should be executed. Some of these polls do make no sense to any rational human being, so it probably is worth finding out what's going on with their religion that is leading to all this hatred, although banning will likely just rile them up more. All the polls are here:

    1. PapaD

      I think you need to re-look at those polls

      99% of British Muslims thought the bombers were wrong to carry out the attack.

      So, that's not 20% who were supporting the attacks, or saying they were justified, but rather 20% of British Muslims saying that they felt 'sympathy' for the attackers feelings and motives.

      Wow, so, 20% think that the attackers might have a point, but that the violence they used to make that point was wrong. Not sure what's so shocking about that - Peaceful Muslims are being persecuted all over the world for the actions of a lunatic few - and those who are getting radicalised aren't being radicalised in a vacuum - they are having some potentially real issues preyed upon by the terrorists, and then being sent out to do violence. If I could interrupt that process before the violence, and help these people before they get radicalised, maybe fix the issues that are making them angry, I would.

      Does that make me a terrorist sympathiser in your eyes - because in mine it makes me human, and compassionate. I don't agree with what any of these people do, but I'd very much like to intervene before they get that far, and maybe figure out why they are so angry, and why they are such a good target for radicalisation, and fix that.

      There's a very big difference between having sympathy for an individual, and thinking their actions were the right actions to take.

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