Re: Solution: More free speech, not less.
Then I stand corrected.
Actually a much better response than I thought I would get! It still leaves me uneasy that socialism enjoys the fanbase it has, but I can then decouple it from the actual dictatorship Hitler helmed.
I still stand by the analogy that the US is voting for a Prom King/Queen, without considering the advertised platforms.
It is scary that Trump garners so many supporters. Consider this: Many people in the US do not like where things are heading - in a political, financial and social sense. They feel powerless, and latch on to anyone loud enough to voice their angst and anger.
Individualism is still a thing here in the US. That doesn't mean the backwards dummy who y'all think of, gun-clutching and bible-toating. No, it is people who do not think that we have a forced responsibility without accountability. That is diametrically opposed to socialism, communism, progressivism, and other liberal concepts. Good as they may seem in their basic idea, they are always more restrictive and punitive under the guise of doing something really good; usually, for some intangible like "for the children" or "the unfortunate" and curiously, never for the individual benefit. *
Trump is not the answer. I don't see anyone who appeals to me on the conservative side.
But when I look at the liberal side, there is even less. Socialism is not an American value. Neither is Progressivism and certainly not Communism.
Ignoring or circumventing law, for whatever means, is what we would like to avoid. The right will use religious reasons, the left will use social reasons. Moral and social justice if you will.
Don't believe that Trump, as the idiot individual who he is, represents conservatism. He doesn't, and given his recent "conversion", I would like to believe his ambitions being based on some psychological problem - he just ain't right.
But to believe that liberals have all the answers, that they do not have heinous/stupid ideas would be the assumption of a fool. Sadly, that is the hip thing these days. We are all global, we are all community, blablabla.
In my experience and opinion, any liberal stance changes once the individual is directly affected (being at a disadvantage) by those idealistic leanings.
* Political platforms based on religious beliefs aren't much different. I am not talking about those, since most of you are quickly (and rightfully) opposed to a theocracy. Google Sky Cake