They clearly want to show the nativity did happen.
After all:
Playmobil or it didn't happen!
We're obliged to expat reader Neil Tragham for alerting us to a forthcoming Playmobil Christmas celebration in his home village of Tivissa (Pop.: 1,500 + cattle). Poster for the Playmobil event in Tivissa Locals are invited to present "dioramas" featuring our fave figurines, and Neil says he'll be on hand over the weekend …
My 10 year old daughter is singing a version as follows:
We three kings of orient are.
One in a taxi, one in a car.
One on a scooter, blowing his hooter,
Wearing his sister's bra.
Star of wonder, star of light.
Fill your pants with dynamite.
Light the fuse and off you go,
All the way to Mexico.
Perhaps you need to introduce your daughter to the antithesis of Jolly Old Saint Nick (tm).
Christmas has gotten altogether too cheerful and positive of late, Krampus restores the downside, reminding naughty little boys and girls that maybe a lump of coal isn't the worst that could happen to them.
Krampusnacht...5 December. If you've been good, you'll get to see the morning of the 6th :-)
This wouldn't have anything to do with the recent French Playmobil heist, would it?
Odd that people affiliated with El Reg (aka accomplices) are publicising a very small Spanish village with an apparent abundance of Playmobil. Is 'Neil Tragham' (if that is his real name) the 'fence' in a European playmobil crime syndicate? Perhaps this whole 'tech journalism' thing that El Regards purports to do is just a front? Maybe they're really international playmobil pushers, no doubt involved in gang warfare with the infamous lego massive?
Neil Tragham is an anagram of "Heil Magrat" with a rogue N thrown in to confuse. Clearly the police should be searching for a trio of thieving German witches.
Wait a minute - it's also an anagram of La Nightmare". Arrest all horses!
This sleuthing stuff is easy, Watson.
Trust me...it came as a shock after leaving London to sleep in a truck, in a forest, up a mountain, 6kms from Tivissa to discover that this Catalan village is a hotbed of Playmobil action. I can confirm that all playmobil used in the displays have been owned for at least 20 years and that no French playmobil figures are involved....
Years go, I used to read this site at work, until they brought in net-nanny-ware, which blocked it for containing nudity. IT'S LEGO FFS, put together by a non-believer. I recommend the sections on The Law from the Old Testament. Good thing we now have the Geneva Convention which trumps the rule to slaughter your PoWs, keeping the female virgins, natch.
Just had a quick look at revelations, that's some f*cked up sh*t! It does beg the question though: which is the path of the true believer, Lego or Playmobil? I can see a schism here, no doubt followed by a few centuries of religious war.
I'd like to see the guy give certain similar books of fairy stories the same treatment, possibly ones beginning with a K?
Cos if you've ever actually read it, the Magi (AKA Wise Men, really astrologers) took a couple of years to get there, found the Toddler Cheese (no longer baby bel) in a house, gave him his 3 pressies - which DID NOT include either Lego or Playmobil - yeah I know he's 2, choking hazards and all that, but come on...
Then they bogged off without telling Herod, who did have a tantrum and threw all of his Lego / Playmobil all around, before getting every toddler 2 and under slaughtered.
Gotta love Xmas - it's called xmas cos it's like a skin rash.