In the UK has been crap since they originally deployed ADSL and transparent proxying (seriously ISPs, turn that shit off, the days of dial up are gone).
That said, the state of things in South Africa is far worse than any country I've ever been to. They still have data capped tariffs for everything and its mindbogglingly expensive.
The best country EVER for broadband that I have visited was Thailand. I managed to get a 300Mbps connection on Koh Jum. Look for it on Google Maps. Seriously....300Mbps.
It's a friggin' tiny island in the middle of sweet nowhere, I had to get there on a crappy fishing boat...and they still managed that broadband speed.
In fact, everywhere I went in Thailand had great wifi and mobile signal. I had at least 3G everywhere I went...and I went to some remote places.
Oddly the worst place for wifi in Thailand was Pantip Plaza (if you're a true geek and haven't been, go, now. Amazing place if you spend a decent amount of time there and wade through the piles of fakes and knock offs). Even the knocks off are brilliant...and the knock offs of the knock offs. The typos man.
"Meats by Dre" was my personal favourite.
Anyways, I've gone on a tangent.
I live 10 miles out of London, and I can't even dream of speeds like they had in Koh Jum. I wouldn't dare, BT might charge me for it.
300Mbps. ON AN ISLAND!!!
Excuse me while I take a quick trip to the angry dome. I need to cool off.