The whole problem is the cloud mentality
Everything has to be connected to "the cloud" these days. In the wake of the Snowden revelations there are very many valid reasons why cloud storage should never be trusted. Nor is the possibility of spying, monitoring and profiling the only concern; "cloud" also brings with it the Ransom-as-a-Service business model, where have have to keep paying every month or lose your data.
And for those who say "but it's only $5 a month!" - yes, it's only $5 a month now, while you're sucking everyone in, but what will it rise to once millions of people are dependent on your service and the beancounters start leaning, knowing the service has become indispensable?
Not only that, so your service is only $5 a month, but so is John's, and so is Harry's, and so is Tom's, and before you know it you're paying out $300 a month in nickel-and-dime bills for all the little must-haves that society expects you to use to get by in daily life.
Back to the toy: I realise that the little Raspberry-pi type board in this doll isn't capable of parsing a kid's spoken commands. But a decently-powered desktop PC is, so why can't we have some software supplied with the doll that we can install on our desktops to receive the wi-fi signals from it and parse them in the home, without the need for any data to go outside the house?
No monthly milking, no monitoring, no profiling, no using psychological trickery to get inside our heads and find ever better ways of extracting another dollar, just a single good old-fashioned honest fucking trade, where I give you money once and you give me a product once, and then we fuck off out of each others' lives.