Some perspective needed in commentardia
We regularly read about the latest abuse of data but have you ever wondered how much of the stuff we generate and how realistic it really is that the NSA/GCHQ/<the other three> really watch your every move?
Phone records alone represent a fairly large amount of data but is tiny compared to intertubes traffic and of course the call contents themselves.
My home FTTC connection alone receives well over 1TB per month of IPSEC traffic (PFS enabled in P2) and that's before we actually use it for the usual stuff - wifey does need her cat pics. My office generates about 0.5GB per day of marked up flow data (that's like call records for the interwebs). The data itself is more like 5-20TB per month (conservative guess - we have 4 x 80/20 links plus various others).
That's a lot of storage requirement for just 20 odd people. There are 60M+ people in the UK alone. The US is rather bigger and of course other countries are implicated. I suspect some form of sampling and targeting of the grand slurp is in force but frankly any form of pervasive data surveillance is doomed. You are probably better off doing things the old fashioned way and they probably are - I doubt very much if a 5i is bothering to store my intertube data. However, the implied threat of the possibility is left hanging ...