back to article Thai women drugged punters 'with Xanax-spiked nipples' – cops

Two Thai women were cuffed yesterday and charged with drugging and robbing two tourists in the beach resort of Pattaya.* According to this local report, Iranian Gholamreza Azizollah, 52, and Israeli Yakov Beri Reznik, 65, rolled up at the police station claiming they'd been incapacitated and fleeced by Pattanawan Sawangcheun …

  1. Steve K

    Yoosuk - Fnar,Fnar!

    Yoosuk - a very apt name for a participant in this story...


    1. NoneSuch Silver badge

      Booby Trapped Booby?

      Surely a much better article title? :)

  2. Simon Harris

    "Walking Street"

    are you sure you spelled that correctly?

    1. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      Re: "Walking Street"


      1. Antonymous Coward

        Re: "Walking Street"

        I suspect he was wondering if the "l" should have been an "n" ;-)

        Speaking of which... any news on the F(ing)AA front?

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "Walking Street"

        Does it mean anything like the old English lane where prostitutes used to frequent?

  3. Anonymous Coward

    I wonder if the victims now feel a pair of tits for getting fleeced.

    Ba dum Tss

    1. Roq D. Kasba

      Dosage Xanax

      I wonder if it's actually possible to administer an effective dose through applying a solution invisibly to a few square cm.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: Dosage Xanax

          Expect they'll be feeling perky again by morning --->

      2. Jedit Silver badge

        "I wonder if it's actually possible to administer an effective dose"

        I don't know if it is or not, but I do know that the "Thai hooker/stripper with drugged nipples" story is an urban myth that has been going around since at least the 1980s. I'm not at liberty to check El Reg's source right now, but they may have been tricked into reporting legend as fact.

        1. LucreLout

          Re: "I wonder if it's actually possible to administer an effective dose"

          I'm not at liberty to check El Reg's source right now, but they may have been tricked into reporting legend as fact.

          I'm happy to go investigate on behalf of El Reg. You know, in case their own guys are too well known in Pattaya.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "I wonder if it's actually possible to administer an effective dose"

            I'm happy to go investigate on behalf of El Reg. You know, in case their own guys are too well known in Pattaya.

            Here you go, a couple of Thai (cough) ladies to try it on ;)

          2. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

            Re: "I wonder if it's actually possible to administer an effective dose"

            Just make sure they are actually women before investigating up close and personal.

        2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

          Re: "I wonder if it's actually possible to administer an effective dose"

          "an urban myth that has been going around since at least the 1980s. "

          So maybe the girls heard the same story and thought it sounded worth a go? Ladies of the night are nor necessarily the sharpest tools in the box.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: "I wonder if it's actually possible to administer an effective dose"

            "Ladies of the night are nor necessarily the sharpest tools in the box."

            But in Thailand, isn't that one of the things punters are supposed to check?

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Dosage Xanax

        Xanax is not very soluble (40ug/ml). A dose of 250ug is effective, but if a tablet was crushed to dissolve the drug that means about 6ml would be required, which doesn't sound very practical.

        One possibility would be to crush a tablet very small and mix with a little egg white or gelatin before application.

        I now see that Wikipedia tells us that once absorbed by the body it can be excreted in breast milk, which is why it is very inadvisable for nursing mothers.

        Quite honestly putting it in drink seems to be much easier, but perhaps someone would care to do the research and let us know?

        1. Phil O'Sophical Silver badge

          Re: Dosage Xanax

          A dose of 250ug is effective, but if a tablet was crushed to dissolve the drug that means about 6ml would be required, which doesn't sound very practical.

          I am impressed by the research effort you've put into this.

          1. emmanuel goldstein

            Re: Dosage Xanax

            he's only an order of magnitude out. mg not ug.

            1. TRT

              Re: Dosage Xanax

              It might not have been directly onto the nipple, but it was in the general areola.

            2. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Dosage Xanax

          perhaps someone would care to do the research and let us know?

          You try the spiked drink, I'll do the other bit.

          Medical researchers could think about this as a tool for recruiting people to drugs trials.

    2. Antonymous Coward
      Thumb Up

      Dopey tits

    3. tony72

      Yeah, and I don't know why the tarts tried to deny it; they should have just made a clean breast of things.

    4. fruitoftheloon



      That was below the belt eh?


  4. Tom 7

    Oh go on then


    1. Martin Budden Silver badge

      Re: Oh go on then

      Feel happy now you've got that off your chest?

  5. dorsetknob

    Pictures please

    Reluctney types :) where are the pics its not a proper story without pics

    yeh i get my coat

    1. I Am Spartacus

      Re: Pictures please - NO

      We want a play mobile recreation.

    2. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Pictures please

      Hell yeah!

      Mine's the dirty beige mac with the pockets cut out B-)

  6. Zog_but_not_the_first
    IT Angle

    Très amusant...

    But struggling to find the IT angle.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Très amusant...

      El Reg went for the T IT angle.

      /It's how they roll.

      1. Jimbo in Thailand

        Re: the T IT angle...

        Once you've lived in the Land of Smiles for as many years as I have it's not unusual to hear frustrated expats muttering "T I T" under their breath while rolling their eyes. It simply means This Is Thailand and usually follows some eyebrow-raising totally illogical event or action by a Thai national. Thais aren't stupid and most are friendly and try to help but they are extremely logic challenged. There is no such thing as going from step A to step B, instead, it's A to Z to C to T to L to X to B. Had Mr. Spock visited Thailand for any length of time he would have suffered permanent raised-eyebrow syndrome.

        Facepalm 'cuz no raised-eyebrow icon.

        1. chivo243 Silver badge

          Re: the T IT angle...

          Well, this story is in bootnotes no? or should that be bootynotes?

          IT could be argued they have it recorded, so I guess that's the IT angle, HOWEVER, "as well as allegedly applying the drug to their bosoms. no film at 11? then it didn't happen and therefore no IT angle.

    2. Lester Haines (Written by Reg staff) Gold badge

      Re: Très amusant...

      There isn't one. Get over it.

      1. Zog_but_not_the_first

        Re: Très amusant...

        Whoa chaps! Just teasing.

        1. Mark 85

          Re: Très amusant...

          We take our bootnotes very seriously here. No teasing allowed unless it's in the story of course.

    3. Martin-73 Silver badge

      Re: Très amusant...

      Are you reading this on an IT related device? (pad/phone/computer/watch/iot enabled condom/whatever)? If so, there's yer IT angle ;)

  7. james 68

    So an Isreali and an Iranian walked into a police station.... together???

    Wonder which was selling secrets to which?

    1. Martin Maloney

      "An Israeli and an Iranian walked into a police station together..." would make a terrific lead-in to a shaggy dog story.

      1. Eddy Ito

        I think given it was a common cause, one might say they came together.

  8. NanoMeter

    No straight man

    can say no to boobs. It's part of the evolution.

    1. LucreLout

      Re: No straight man


      Having been to Thailand with the wife, I can safely say that it is possible to say no to boobs provided your Mrs is in earshot, lest you find yourself with fewer knackers than some of the local ladies.

  9. magickmark

    Don't hold your breath but...

    lets hope this gets nipped in the bud!!

    I'll get my coat!

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    a new whole meaning of a "I was stung"

    I dread to think what other tactics might be deployed if the copy-cats escale this...

  11. PhilipN Silver badge


    And appalled! Especially at the caption photo and its gross innuendo.

    What is this? Viz magazine?

    Keep up the good work!

  12. The First Dave

    Honest question - why was this labelled as NSFW ?

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Honest question - why was this labelled as NSFW ?

      Someone might think that the user was looking at Mumsnet, which is definitely NSFW.

  13. TRT

    So this was your basic...

    drug bust?

  14. David Roberts

    Good pun run

    Raised a muffled titter here.

    1. AbelSoul

      Re: muffled titter here

      Shame said Israeli and Iranian titters weren't muffled or we could've avoided all of this.

  15. Stork

    I thought the last paragraph should have been a boobnote...

  16. Francis Boyle

    I may be missing something here

    but I am at a loss to understand why all the 'more' links are Shatner/Trek related. I mean, I know KIrk liked the ladies but was there are particularly kinky episode I somehow missed?

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Denied applying it to their nipples, though we have footage showing so

    Presumably had they done this they would have done so in a descreet manner so as not to give the game away, so HTH could there be footage of it?

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Denied applying it to their nipples, though we have footage showing so

      I like the way your mind is working.

      I too suspect old Reg has been taken in... It's a disgrace I say.

      Said footage must be published forthwith to restore journalistic credibility.


      The dirty beige mac with the pockets cut out, again, please --->

  18. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Lucky they didn't wake to find they'd had some organs removed as well.

    *Another urban myth I believe.

  19. Frumious Bandersnatch

    that's a

    Bar bitch you ate?

  20. saxicola

    Reminds me of the Firefly episode with Christina Hendricks

    As Saffron in "Our Mrs. Reynolds"

  21. Robert Helpmann??

    Untitled Masterpiece

    "So an Israeli and an Iranian walked into a police station..."

    I thought it sounded like the beginning of a good joke, too. There's the real story.

  22. x 7

    "So an Israeli and an Iranian walked into a police station..."

    No chance. Israelis and Iranians avoid pigs

  23. Turbo Beholder

    Lost opportunities!

    Just imagine this happening in the Ingsoc land.

    The local sheeple would sing in choirs for creation of the "Tits Police" to check every passing woman. While feminists would suddenly turn very modest and never mention the issue.

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