back to article Fifth arrest in TalkTalk hacking probe: Now Plod cuff chap in Wales

Cops probing the TalkTalk mega-hack arrested a teen in south Wales on Tuesday. The 18-year-old is the fifth suspect to be cuffed in connection with the computer security breach at the UK ISP. Detectives from the Metropolitan Police Service's Cyber Crime Unit and officers from Southern Wales Regional Organised Crime Unit, …

  1. J. R. Hartley

    The title is no longer required.

    I, for one, think it's great that the future generations are so enterprising. Lovely stuff.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: The title is no longer required.

      Your book was shit.

      1. HieronymusBloggs

        Re: The title is no longer required.

        "Your book was shit."

        Was that the one about phishing?

        1. Anonymous Coward

          Re: The title is no longer required.

          The only things I caught down our local canal was a shopping trolley and Weil's disease. Bloody useless book, getting my fish from the fish counter next time.

          1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

            Re: canal fishing

            Canal fishing: Dave Lister knows how and what to expect.

          2. Pigeon

            Only a trolley?

            I caught a whale!

            But there wuz nee spawkes in it

    2. Known Hero

      Re: The title is no longer required.

      They obviously need more yoof centers and Sk8er parkzzzzzz

      *Icon grumpy ol git

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Was he called Shadwell ?

    Played by the excellent John Sparkes, you have to see his Frank Hovis on the lavatory character.

    1. Teiwaz

      Ah, yes, Absolutely + I totally agree

      (although why the need to post Anonymously for such a harmless comment)

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        A vastly underrated comedian who should have gone on to bigger and better things, far funnier than Rob Brydon.

        Seek out some of his Barry Welsh stuff and Quiz Night on YT which were BBC Wales only unfortunately.

        Why anonymous ?

        To piss Theresa May off.

        1. Captain Badmouth

          Barry Welsh was on ITV Wales.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            "Barry Welsh was on ITV Wales."

            Yep , ta for for correction it was Hick TV (HTV), the old grey matter isn't what it was.

            1. Anonymous Coward

              "To piss Theresa May off."

  3. anotheranonagain

    Finally, a cybercriminal from my home town. Proof that we're not the backwater we're portrayed as.

    1. LucreLout

      Finally, a cybercriminal from my home town. Proof that we're not the backwater we're portrayed as.

      No, no, you are still a backwater (sorry), it's just that the management of TalkTalk would be out of their depth if they pissed on the floor.

  4. Peter X

    What with TalkTalks down playing the impact, have they actually got a case any more?

    I thought the official story was that only a handful of customer details were lifted, and in any case, there were no bank details... so it almost seems like the police are wasting money investigating this surely?

    1. I_am_Chris


      Whether they took anything or not is immaterial. Just accessing TT's served is enough for breach of the Act and end up under arrest.

      1. This post has been deleted by its author

  5. Sir Barry

    Tut tut

    Stop their comics, that'll teach 'em.

  6. Neil Barnes Silver badge

    A ydynt yn hyd yn oed yn cael y rhyngrwyd yng Nghymru?

    Well, obviously, yes.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A ydynt yn hyd yn oed yn cael y rhyngrwyd yng Nghymru?

      As a Saxon, I do enjoy the Welsh modifications to the leading letter(s). We have often seen the leading "C" in Cymraeg modifying to Gymraeg when there was a suitable ending in front of it, but the Nghymru being brought to us by the preceeding yng is a real delight.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward


        You can read about them here If you try saying some of these sounds together it soons becomes clear how these evolved.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: A ydynt yn hyd yn oed yn cael y rhyngrwyd yng Nghymru?




        The joys of lessons of Welsh mutation

    2. Graham Marsden

      Re: A ydynt yn hyd yn oed yn cael y rhyngrwyd yng Nghymru?

      Am I the only one who read that and thought "Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn"?

      1. Matt Bryant Silver badge

        Re: Marsbarbrain Re: A ydynt yn hyd yn oed yn cael y rhyngrwyd yng Nghymru?

        ".....Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn" Do all Welsh computers come with windscreen wipers?

  7. djstardust

    Government links ....

    Amazing how plod is so interested in this hack ..... nothing to do with the fact the Talk Talk CEO is married to a Tory Minister then ......

    1. wolfetone Silver badge

      Re: Government links ....

      I don't know who I feel sorry for more. Her having married a Tory toss pot, or the Tory toss pot marrying Tim Nice But Dim.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Government links ....

      "Amazing how plod is so interested in this hack"

      Perhaps because a lot of personal data was allegedly stolen?

      "othing to do with the fact the Talk Talk CEO is married to a Tory Minister then ......"

      Oooh yes, thats it. The government leaned on a police commisioner down at the weekly masons meeting and told him to sort it out pronto boyo or else it'll be cuts for your force before you can say "'Ello 'Ello! What hacks going on 'ere then?"

      Where do you people buy your tin foil hats these days , are Primark doing them?

      1. wolfetone Silver badge

        Re: Government links ....

        Where were they for the Sony PlayStation hack then?

        Where were they for the Carphone Warehouse hack?

        Where were they for the Moonpig hack?

        I think you've left your brain in Primark.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Government links ....

          "Where were they for the Sony PlayStation hack then?"

          That didn't happen in the UK did it.

          "Where were they for the Carphone Warehouse hack?"

          "Where were they for the Moonpig hack?"

          Both investigated, but if the perpetrators arn't in the UK and can't be traced what do you expect them to do about it? Seems to me the talktalk hackers were a bunch of braindead script kiddies who were traced pretty easily.

          But hey, lets go with the conspiracy theory that the Met police are sucking up to the Tory government. This is btw, the same Met Police that screwed over Tory minister Andrew Mitchell with officers commiting perjury and trashed former tory minister leon brittans reputation only 9 months back and didn't bother telling him he was in the clear before he died. I suppose that was all just a misdirection pantomime though, right?


          1. wolfetone Silver badge

            Re: Government links ....

            "Both investigated, but if the perpetrators arn't in the UK and can't be traced what do you expect them to do about it? Seems to me the talktalk hackers were a bunch of braindead script kiddies who were traced pretty easily.

            But hey, lets go with the conspiracy theory that the Met police are sucking up to the Tory government. This is btw, the same Met Police that screwed over Tory minister Andrew Mitchell with officers commiting perjury and trashed former tory minister leon brittans reputation only 9 months back and didn't bother telling him he was in the clear before he died. I suppose that was all just a misdirection pantomime though, right?


            Haven't you got a budget statement to be fawning over Tory boy?

            And, for the record, Leon Brittan wasn't cleared of the accusations. There was a lack of evidence to prosecute. Two very different things buddy.

            1. Anonymous Coward
              Anonymous Coward

              Re: Government links ....

              "Haven't you got a budget statement to be fawning over Tory boy?"

              Lame. Try harder.

              "And, for the record, Leon Brittan wasn't cleared of the accusations. There was a lack of evidence to prosecute. Two very different things buddy."

              Lack of evidence? ITYM no evidence apart from one deluded idiot who later retracted his statement (Oooh, but I bet he was threatened into doing it by The Man eh?) and further evidence from other witnesses that the idiot was lying.

              Sorry, you lose. Suck it up. Go cuddle your Corbyn teddy bear.

      2. John Brown (no body) Silver badge

        Re: Government links ....

        "Perhaps because a lot of personal data was allegedly stolen?"

        According to TalkTalk nothing was stolen that wasn't already publicly available so there's no need to worry. At least that's what they keep trying to tell us.

  8. MyffyW Silver badge


    Ydw. A oes gennych caws ar dost yn Llundain?

    1. Alister

      Re: Bless

      Ydw. A oes gennych caws ar dost yn Llundain?

      Yes, and they don't call it Welsh Rarebit, either... :)

  9. dcluley

    Only half the problem

    Great effort seems to be taken to incarcerate teenage hackers. I wish a bit more effort was put in to incarcerating TalkTalk bosses who allowed such easily bypassed security.

    1. Turtle

      @dcluley Re: Only half the problem

      "Great effort seems to be taken to incarcerate teenage hackers. I wish a bit more effort was put in to incarcerating TalkTalk bosses who allowed such easily bypassed security."

      The police only know their age after they've been caught.

      I would greatly support incarceration for executives of any company so negligent with personal data but the police enforce laws, they do not enact them.

      So in spite of your handle your are pretty clueless.

      1. dcluley

        Re: @dcluley Only half the problem

        Missed point error. I know they can only establish the age of the hackers after catching them. However, having caught them they ought to consider whether enough effort was put into making the data safe enough in the first place.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I'm starting to wonder if all these people ran Tor nodes.

    Yes, they could be the ones who hacked TalkTalk, but they could also not be.

    I'd rather not presume guilty unless innocent.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "I'd rather not presume guilty unless innocent."

      So if they're innocent you'll presume them to be guilty anyway? I can think of a few places you could send your CV ;)

  11. Colin Bull 1

    Problem fixed

    TalkTalk have resolved the problem by only allowing access to the myaccount web site if you have a TalkTalk broadband line. presumably they can monitor the hackers

    So if your line goes down - tough shit

    If you have other services apart from broadband - tough shit

    Anyone know if it is illegal to force people to pay for an invoice? Paper invoice £5.00 for one off or £1.90 a month. Too f**cking ignorant to give email invoices as an option.

    A frustrated TalkTalk mobile customer ..

  12. goldcd

    TalkTalk must be praying

    that there was at least one adult involved..

  13. Chozo

    Somebody has been arrested. Don't worry be happy.

    My medication must be wearing off because 'News' articles like this make me worried and unhappy.

    1. Anonymous Coward

      Shush man. Here's a pint of Cool-Aid ------->

      Get it down quick

  14. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Eventually the plods will realise

    that all five boys they arrested and subsequently bailed were just part of a massive botnet that launched the DDoS on TalkTalk before the breach, because their internet-connected gear (crap router, unpatched PC or what have you) were turned against them.

    It was a "sophisticated cyber attack" after all, right?

  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Dyfed Powys police station?

    Do you mean Headquarters? Dyfed-Powys covers over half the land area of Wales, I can assure you there is more than one Police station whithin their jurisdiction.

  16. TheProf

    Speaking as an Englishman

    Diolch am y gwersi iaith. A diolch i Dduw am Google gyfieithu.

    1. MyffyW Silver badge

      Re: Speaking as an Englishman

      Mae chwech allan o ddeg am geisio, cariad.

  17. Captain Badmouth

    Talk Talk xmas offer

    Arrived with the post this morning, their marketing hasn't been affected. It'll be handy when I light the log fire later.

  18. Paul Woodhouse

    welp, it looks like they've managed to round up a few skiddies so far....

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Hegelian dialectic




    Move along, nothing to see, just another agenda pushing, narrative setting, state sponsored false flag attack.

    A new word to add to your vocabulary: Machiavellianism

    Think of it everytime you see a politician speak or the mainstream media pushes a story, The world will all make sense then.

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