Anyone else remember when...
you used to go to the website for... pretty much anything really... and there was a "Support" button, and when you clicked the support button it had a little text box you typed your product ID into and it came up with a nice text heavy page full of detailed descriptions of what things did, along with direct links to an FTP site to get you the latest versions of those things?
No "Would you like me to detect your hardware?" - because 90% of the time the reason you are here is because the hardware is acting up and so you're actually using a different machine.
No "Would you like to take a survey?" - because the only thing I've ever wanted to put in those is "I want you to stop interrupting me when I'm trying to get shit done"
No "Please read 37 pages of licencing before I release the download button" - because... because why? I mean, really, why? What _possible_ licencing term could there be that applies to a soundcard driver that would require me to read all that oh, and STOP BREAKING WGET YOU BASTARDS.
In that world - before companies decided that all their users had to be treated like dribbling morons and had to be poked and prodded and directed every tiny step of the way - shit like this didn't happen!
Stop trying to save people from themselves, Dell, YOU'RE. NOT. HELPING.