Re: Fail!!
OK. Fine. Just to dig my hole deeper.
Suck it, Elon – Jeff Bezos' New Shepard space rocket blasts off, lands in one piece.
Now either El Reg made that one up or they took the intent from the reporting as delivered by Bezos and/or his team.
Of course, it's possible that the landing was on the hairy edge of the thing's ability to correct for, and just lucked out. But unless you know what those limits are, your comment is specious.
Very magnanimous of you.
If you compare the Videos of each landing, Bezos VS Musk, you will notice that the behaviour is largely the same. You might expect that given they are dealing with similar scenarios. So consider the different constraints...
You can basically ignore everything else and concentrate on the landing target size and motion of the landing target. Bezos, big and not moving. Musk, small and subject to both vertical and rotational motion. Spot the difference?
Now go back and look at the Bezos Video. Did it land within the same area that was available to Musk? At the point when it touched down and almost toppled over did the ground rotate and push it over the edge?
Fundamentally given you would not wish to be sitting on top of Musk's one, when it fell over, would you honestly feel more confident sitting on top of the Bezos version. Go back, compare the videos and put your hand on you heart.
Now I don't know you from Adam but given your surnym is Weir I might live in fear that you know something about 'control theory'. However given you can look at the Video and decide that my, fair enough, contrite comment was 'specious' I would almost feel safe in suggesting you do not know a lot about 'control theory' or what you do know is not exactly complete or rigorous.
I would not wish to 'blow my own trumpet' but if Bezos and Musk asked for my input then, prior to getting egg on my face, I'd be fairly confident I could provide them with a documented and general solution using a number of LM324's, they might prefer the MIL Spec version, and some other passive components.
Perhaps El Reg can put us in touch.
Have A Nice Day.