Why don't people remember Bubble 1.0?
Actually, given that valuations are being cut, I think people do remember a few things about the first dotcom bubble. But, it does amaze me that I'm still seeing/hearing the same stuff:
- Companies using the 2015 equivalent of "eyeballs" to determine value
- "This time it's different!"
- Crazy SV/San Francisco startup culture making its way back into popular media
I know an IPO is just a way for founders to cash in, but I do feel bad for suckers who think they're going to get rich. Look at Twitter -- there are only so many ways you can make money off a free platform, and most of them involve data mining or ads. Or Square for that matter; they're a ripe target for the mobile phone payment networks (Apple Pay, etc) and card issuers themselves (Visa's e-payment system for example) but just because they do "credit cards on a phone" they have a crazy valuation.