back to article Edgy online shoppers face Dyre Christmas as malware mutates

VXers have cooked up Windows 10 and Edge support for the nasty Dyre or Dyreza banking trojan. The banking bomb has ripped untold fortunes from victims and passed them into the hands of its authors. In at least one instance alone IBM says more than one million dollars was plundered from an organisation. At present it has …

  1. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    new and harder Edge browser

    But does it wear a long leather anorak and sport garish earclips?

  2. jake Silver badge

    What kind of mental midgetry ...

    ... would possess anybody to purchase anything online in the first place? I mean, honestly, if you can't find it locally it's probably not worth purchasing in the first place ...

    1. Ru'

      Re: What kind of mental midgetry ...

      I was thinking "Eh?", and then I looked at the user name...

    2. King Jack
      Thumb Down

      Re: What kind of mental midgetry ...

      So getting things a lot cheaper than local stuff is foolish? If you are in the market for anything you can spread your net further by using the internet. Your choices expand as there is more 'net' stuff that can fit in a local store, also you can catch things on offer that are not local. If you don't own transport, it is easier and cheaper to get groceries delivered. I haven't visited a supermarket in years and would never be able to get my shopping home without it melting. And as I only have two arms I could never carry it without making multiple trips.

      1. azaks

        Re: What kind of mental midgetry ...

        You only have 2 arms? If you looked online, you could probably buy a third, and maybe even a 4th...

    3. Pascal Monett Silver badge

      Re: What kind of mental midgetry ...

      So something you cannot find locally is not worth it ?

      I take it you live smack dab in the middle of Manhatten Island, and the rest of the world can just crawl under a rock and die, right ?

    4. Bongwater

      Re: What kind of mental midgetry ...

      Dude where's my khakis, starring this guy Jake, from El Reg.

  3. hplasm

    Win 10 and Edge, eh.

    So much for 'Viruses attack Windows because of it's popularity'...

  4. Richard Jones 1

    Buy Locally, Your Are having a Laugh

    Pay sky high parking charges for local high street access, or wait for a mythical (well outside of large cities) thing called a bus, then ditto for ticket prices.

    Go to shop, item out of stock, order it for next week/month/year, wait until hell freezes over and still do not get the item.


    Sit at home order item get it next day.

    I can see the point in the high street as a half baked 'budget control system' assuming the goods cost more than the parking/bus fare, but not for anything else.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Buy Locally, Your Are having a Laugh

      please do not feed the trolls

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        please do not feed the trolls

        I thought trolls only ate charcoal and concrete, or was that woodland trolls? Perhaps not commentard trolls then eh ;)

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Buy Locally, Your Are having a Laugh

        "please do not feed the trolls"

        Being on the spectrum can be good for IT work but it sure makes for easy trolling.

        "No No I think shopping on the internet is a good thing!"

        "yes so do we, he was just .. oh never mind"

  5. Ugotta B. Kiddingme


    I received such a nice note from a Mr. Mtumbe who has a large pile of cash AND todger pills ready to ship for only a small finder's fee. Seems legit, right?

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