back to article Microsoft to world: We've got open source machine learning too

Microsoft's decided that it, too, wants to open source some of its machine learning space, publishing its Distributed Machine Learning Toolkit (DMTK) on Github. Google released some of its code last week. Redmond's (co-incidental?) response is pretty basic: there's a framework, and two algorithms, but Microsoft Research …

  1. Steve Channell
    Thumb Up

    The current open source drip from google is confined to a single node, so competition is very welcome

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Personally I don't trust either. One is new and hasn't exactly shown a social side, the other one is old and seems to have been teaching the new ones all its tricks, and I'm old enough to remember SCO.

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "Help teach Cortana to say 'Sorry, Dave'"

    I'd rather teach Cortana to say Windows 10 Sucks.

    But then she probably knows that already.

    1. HAL-9000

      Re: "Help teach Cortana to say 'Sorry, Dave'"

      Upvote for referencing HAL, you know it makes perfect sense.... Daisy Daisy give me your answer do.

      We need HAL or Sirius cybernetics corp icon ;)

      1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

        Re 'We need HAL or Sirius cybernetics corp icon ;)'

        We obviously need both. Have an upvote for being proactive.

  3. Craig 2

    They ought to educate management on making rational decisions before trying to teach machines...

    1. allthecoolshortnamesweretaken

      The plan is to develop the machines, then have the machines teach management.

  4. Extra spicey vindaloo

    Cortana can't help you.

    I'm in France using an English configured Windows 10 pc and my work Windows Phone.

    Cortana refuses to run, because it can't do English when I am in France. But when it sees my GPS location as in England all works correctly. Very very short sighted Microsoft, at least Siri works here even when giving directions you have to think twice as to how she mangled the French words in English.

    Windows 10 isn't that bad to be honest but I'll wait for the first service pack before upgrading my home machines.

    1. james 68

      Re: Cortana can't help you.

      Same issue on a win10 laptop using English language in Japan. I could get Cortana to work if I change all my settings to British English and location to UK but that would bork pretty much everything BUT Cortana.

      Microsoft seems to be pretty much self defeating these days, if I could get away with scrubbing the damn thing and just installing Linux I would do so in a heartbeat.

    2. Sil

      Re: Cortana can't help you.

      Did you set your region to England ?

    3. Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cortana can't help you.

      Is France supported ? No.

      Not hard is it? It took all of about 3 seconds to find the info.

      I thought this was a tech site, yet search engines seem beyond most peoples grasp.

    4. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Cortana can't help you.

      Cortana refuses to run, because it can't do English when I am in France. But when it sees my GPS location as in England all works correctly. Very very short sighted Microsoft

      Not that I'm keen to defend Microsoft, but I would flag that as a general trend with software that originates from the US: the ability to recognise not only that there are other countries out there, but also that location & desired operating language are not that firmly associated. It's almost as if the idea that people travel between different countries just doesn't come up in their puny heads.

    5. Chika

      Re: Cortana can't help you.

      Very very short sighted Microsoft, at least Siri works here even when giving directions you have to think twice as to how she mangled the French words in English.

      I recall that Siri had a similar problem in the beginning. What was all that "I can only offer that service in the United States" business about, for example?

      To be honest, I find that Merkan businesses have a very weird idea about how things hook up in Europe, either thinking that we are a "United States" where all of us merrily work together on one level or we are a bunch of countries that speak different languages and can never agree on anything. That's when they can actually point to where Europe actually is, of course!

    6. ProgrammerForHire

      Re: Cortana can't help you.

      Cortana is available only in some regions.

      I believe this is due to commercial agreement reasons, rather than a technical limit.

      Set your Region to US, not language, not location. It will work, I use it in Romania.

      Well, assuming you CAN speak English, which isn't clearly true for French people thinking "software" should be called "logiciel" . :((

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    ah... ah... [waves hand in air]

    me too...

  6. Forget It

    Cortana do you use GPU?

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Can you say 'singularity'

    This is the same firm that still does not 'Get' the internet other than jumping in with both feet to destroy privacy. They probably want this machine learning to datamine all that telemetry faster.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Can you say 'singularity'

      This is the same firm that still does not 'Get' the internet other than jumping in with both feet to destroy privacy.


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