Re: Speed or data?
What are you talking about. The CVC charge is billed at per mbps.
A NBN 100mbps tail with a 1:1 contention ratio would have a $1750 CVC charge - $17.50 X 100mbps. Whilst for the RSP it would be at least $100-200 for the backhaul at that ratio.
And we still haven't even explored the NRC and RC (non-recurring charges) i.e. the NBN wholesale charges tail, $49.95, PoI setup fee - $20k X 120 and the rack and interconection charges at each of the PoI.
The government has crippled the NBN through greedy pricing. In order to make money from a $89.95 retail fee.
The root problem is greed. Greed by the big telcos trying to protect their government and enteprise customer segment margins and greed by the government.
Firstly if the NBN supplied fibre to the home/business connections with ratios of 1:1 or even 1:10 businesses and even government departments would instantly flock to to these services.
Over a fibre connection with its limitless bandwidth you can have voice, data and video all share without congestion or issue; if the bandwidth is there in the backhaul.
Right now to buy a NBN like service as a corporation you have to pay thousands, tens of thousands a month per service. They buy a variety of services like telephony. Imagine a ubiquitous fibre to the home network across the country. You technically don't need a voice telco anymore. You could have the entire thing work with VoIP. A public VoIP interconnect register to offer interoperability between VoIP software and you could do away with the plodding telcos and their mega big switches.
Even mobile.
So the NBN represents a huge risk to everyone. That's why its crippled with absolutely massive costs.
I'm really disappointed with the media on this. Why they can't see the greed that is dictating public policy is beyond me.
The telco executives contribute massively to the liberal partyy. Investigate that one. Look up Paul Broad in the AEC website and have a look at why a staunch liberal like he has never donated to his party.
Ziggy, Broad and Turnbull himself, not to mention countless other executives are liberal party members/donars/fund raisers. They are the ones that are behind the liberal parties telecommunication policies.
One final point. The naysayers will make an utterly ridiclious claim that there isn't enough bandwidth/backhaul to offer the country 1:1 100/1000mbps services.
FIrstly fibre backhaul is insanely cheap these days. Seriously when i started it was $2000 a mbps. Its easily $5 or less now and thats simply due to the telco's acting in a conspiracy to keep prices/costs at a certain level. See pricing managers are traded by telco's like football teams trade star players. These pricing managers value is in knowning what the price is for a particular product and what the competitors are selling it for. This is how the telcos keep prices high without having to meet in a smokey back room.
Anyway this country is awash in fibre (as it is in drugs). There is so much fibre out there its not funny. And so much dark fibre laid by Telstra, Optus, Nextgen, AAPT, iiNet, AMCOM and so on that if it was lit would make basically wholesale backhaul a fraction of a cent per mbps.
But even then we could bring more bandwidth to the table. The utilities, radio networks and various other companies have built massive intercapital fibre / microwave networks.
Plus we have AARNet's SKA network - 3500km of fibre optic networks spanning the desert's of Australia but able to transport 8tbps!!!! The network and telescopes, data centres etc all paid for with less $1 billion.
But hey journo's somehow the NBN has to spend $70b plus charge $17 per mbps on CVC charges. Doesn't add up does it. Especially when the government failed, in the largest ever infrastructure project, to compulsory acquire the network assets (at a fair price) that could have saved tens of billions on construction. Instead the NBN under the ALP and Liberals overpaid massively for copper and HFC assets that were almost written off by the carriers.
The NBN is a scam.