In other news
Seagate no longer has outstanding inventory problems.
Seagate has given the University of California, Santa Cruz a petabyte of Kinetic drives to store and access genomic data. Kinetic disk drives have direct access over the Ethernet, and a key:value store structure with an object-style PUT and GET interface. Andy Hospodor, UCSC’s executive director of the Storage Systems …
It should be called UC Santa Cruz, as it's part of the University of California. The acromyn should be UCSC (which is what they call themselves - taxpayers [and parents] have a rather different name...).
"USC" refers to either the University of Southern California (which has an OUTSTANDING Engineering school, as well as Journalism, Music, Cinema, and a few obscure sports teams)(yes, I bleed Cardinal and Gold :) )
University of South Carolina (for folks in the south), which is also well respected.
Hmmm, if there was some payola scandal, would it then be called US-Seagate?