Violation ofthe .org principal. even worse.
Far too many companies now masquerade under .org!
Efforts to protest Facebook's project at the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) being held in Brazil this week were shut down by United Nations security staff. A video of the protest – carried out during an opening speech by Brazil's communication minister André Figueiredo – shows around 10 protestors holding …
The service – developed and led by Facebook – allows customers of certain mobile networks to access a number of services while having to pay for the data that they use. Those services include Wikipedia, BBC News, Facebook, and a range of local news and sports results providers.I thought the idea was the data for those services were free, and anything else had to be paid for - hence the outrage.
"The service – developed and led by Facebook – allows customers of certain mobile networks to access a number of services while having to pay for the data that they use. "
I don't get it, if they still pay for these data what's the difference with just browsing straight to the site?
These "Poor" people still need a device and connectivity to be able to access, so what is the real problem being solved here? Clearly it must be one of herding more consumers toward the Facebook service to further increase shareholder value.