Steve Jobs WAS Apple
I switched from PC to Apple in 2007. Was not happy with lack of phone support but once I taught myself Apply language, vs PC I loved all my apple products ! My computers never crashed, they were fast, I never had a problem.
Then Steve died. Apple began falling apart. They introduced Lion, at a too good price to be true. My guy said RESIST, RESIST ! I didn't listen. Then Siri became more cheeky, took time off (just you needed her guidance) with a message, I can't help you now, I'm sorry. No explanation other than she was mourning for Steve. Lion teamed with Micro Soft's iCloud - Apples competitor - continued to reek havoc on my computer ... files disappeared, slow deliver of content, the difficultly of trying to keep my item ON my computer and out of some floating space up in the sky where potentially any hacker can grab and run.
Now trapped in the world of indecision --- wait it out until Apples finds an intelligent CEO / COO with the desire to his best for disillusioned Apple loyals, or to jump ship and go back to buying the slightly less expensive PC's that seem to be working better these days and anti-virus software on a yearly basis that (in past) slowed down performance.
On the very worse of days I long for the time live was simpler: a time one could phone the library to get information, and say real life kitty memes in action, and a time we had friends face to face (with bodies attached) and going to Dairy Queen, playing baseball in the park, meeting 'downtown' to just hang out and be 100% devoted to the others - not mobiles, iPads, or any such distractions. A time when life was much simpler, and far richer. But still....I miss you, Steve !