Windows 10
Sticking with Windows 7 64bit Ultimate. Then most likely Linux Mint Mate. I don't want to play in the Microsoft Play School Walled Theme Park Land.
Microsoft has released Build 10586 of Windows 10 to "Windows Insider" previewers, as the first major update to the operating system nears release. This build bears all the signs of a RTM (Release to Manufacturing) release, if the Insider rollout is successful. The build number does not show on the desktop, and in Windows …
I have a ton of Microsoft Windows software, MapPoint North America and Europe, Directory Opus, numerous games specifically for Windows etc. Microsoft has lost their direction. MapPoint has even been discontinued. After Windows 7 EOL as it stands at the moment it will be Mint Mate. Who knows it may be another Linux OS but it won't be apple or Microsoft unless Windows changes direction and no longer spies on us, they return Media Center and stick some pretty Aero in there F.F.S. I have a GTX960 to push pixels around yet Windows 10 looks pale and anaemic. I have used M$ since 1990 DOS.
"I've been using CentOS for a long time. Migrated to is from Mandrake. Currently V7 with Cinamon
Does what it says on the tin. No Canonical software in sight.
and I don't rant on systemd. Never had a problem with it."
And the accusation is Windows is boring compares with this how?
I like GNU/Linux as much as the next person, but can we please not have every Windows article spammed with comments about it? It's tiresome. And it reminds me of annoying sales callers who say: "You're using _____ for your gas? You could save money by switching to..."
When I click on an article about Windows releases then that's what I want to read about. Not be preached at by zealots. And I say this as someone who has been using GNU/Linux (and UNIX before it) for longer that most people who do. Just go away.
So this week's favourite is Mint? What next week?
Who knows? Who cares?
Yay, free t-shirt!!!
I already said my bit. Personally I'm in the process of playing around with openSUSE's Leap and so far I am very unimpressed. Mint was my project last week and I managed to get it to run TDE with few problems other than it didn't like restarting unless I took it all the way down to init 0 first.
Never did hear much from people who said they were going to switch to Linux, did we?
@Chika: For a trouble free TDE have a look at exegnulinux (http://exegnulinux.net/). Based on Debian stable. Curated by one chap. Worked fine when I tried it but I'm not into TDE.
Back on topic: The staff PC at one place I work in is an atom based small form factor PC with 2Gb RAM. Was freezing so techies reimaged and decided to try Windows 10 for Education. Seems OK once they found a graphics driver that would make it to the native resolution of the panel. No big drama. Sort of zzzzzz...
@keithpeter: I'll probably give it a go next week if I get some time. I think most of the trouble with openSUSE right now is that TDE hasn't caught up with the new version yet though I have managed to get TDE working using 13.2's repo instead. Also managed it with Mint the week before - as a long term KDE3 user I can't praise it enough!
As for your Atom, I can't say that I'm surprised about the driver. Every Windows release has issues with drivers at some point in the early days. I've not really delved into that version of W10 though it looks interesting from what I've seen so far.
"Never did hear much from people who said they were going to switch to Linux, did we?"
No - because once we had, there wasn't much more to say. :D
Posting from Chromium on Ubuntu 14.04, installed on this machine the day the Win8.1 telemetry stories started appearing. No problems so far except VS2013 wouldn't run under WINE so I switched to MonoDevelop.
How have you found mono develop?
I had a mess with it years ago but didn't like it much... VS is one of the few things that ties me to windows.. Not that I want to switch, no need to at the moment, but If mono develop has reached a decent standard its always an option!
I have it installed too, hate it, its a huge downgrade from Windows 7. The only reason I keep it, is I get 10 calls a week from botched upgrades, its a decent money spinner.
The main problem is usually realtek WiFi drivers not getting dhcp setting correctly. Easy money.
I wait for the call back from the wanting to go back to windows 7. It's usually follows by week 3 or 4
Because as awesome as controlling the Xbox with the kinect is, we're still a few years away from being able to voice control your character in Halo 5, "switch weapons" "reload" "Throw grenade" would be nice, but until then we're stuck using our hands "like a baby's toy" to quote a certain Frodo Baggins in Back to the Future and so using a controller, its nice to have a battery icon.
we're still a few years away from being able to voice control your character in Halo 5, "switch weapons" "reload" "Throw grenade" would be nice,
Nice? Not sure about that. Konami Laserscope - Parents Will Love What They Don't Hear! (the actual clip is at 6:45 - Warning: NSFW).
>we're still a few years away from being able to voice control your character
and even then, while it might be fun, it would only be appropriate at non-critical times. Voice control is too slow and too tedious for normal use. If I had to say "reload" every time in an FPS I'd go nuts.
Because its dumbed down to the lowest common denominator, rather than optimized for the required task.
Its a bit like trying to optimize a toolbox into a single spanner, hammer, wire cuter and screwdriver. On their own, they each work perfectly, but when joined together, all of them become a pain to use more than occasionally. Sure a multi-tool / Swiss Army knife has its place, but not as your primary day-to-day tool of choice, more an option to get your out of a hole.
Ford tried the same with the model T, but look where they are now, different types of cars for different purposes.
Walkers sell different types of crisps to satisfy different user tastes. I could go on but you get the point.
So, why do Microsoft want to repeat the mistakes of the past ??
Give the customer what they want - something Windows XP or Windows 7 shaped without the cloud BS / forced MS account / spyware / auto-update / we know whats best for you.
I'm interested to watch the show, since I've already moved to Linux as I got fed up with the MS BS. Its much like selling a once loved, but now unreliable car. You only know you made the right choice about 3 months later.
That reminds me. Maybe I'll upgrade to 17.2 from 17.1 ... or just not bother.
BTW what is this 'Threshold' thing and, presumably having got over Threshold 1, what did they do wrong on Threshold 1 such that they encountered Threshold 2?
Surely everyone knows by now that you have to pick up the dusty feathers and ribbed condoms.
Threshold: "-n: denotes a location or point in time, that once crossed, signifies that there is no retreat or going back to the previous state."
Pretty much sums up what MS is doing with Windows 10. You're either going to cross the threshold or not. Think of it as getting married to you're new partner (Windows 10) and carrying it across the "threshold"..
This post has been deleted by its author
This kind of assurance is a bit like arriving home and announcing to your wife that you haven't had an affair.
It brings fear uncertainty and doubt where there was none. At least, now I begin to wonder about weasel words - sure the files are where I left them, but where else are they too?
Don't confuse hate with apathy. Many of us are former MS supporters. We've been manipulated, screwed, and betrayed. Hate is reasonable and expected because of that. But then it devolves into apathy. I'm still watching and listening in case there's a turn around. I don't hate them, I'm just apathetic about them at this point. My Win7 is locked down, and will not get any updates unless I allow it. When Win7 gets creaky and I find an OS that does what I need it to do, I'll use it.
@Mark 85 Supporters and loyal customers but because 'Slurp does not care about customers have wondered away. Some have gone to Linux and some to Apple. But never to return. At first we may have struggled as we moved away but now that we have learned Linux or OS X we will not return.
"For the ritual MSFT two-minute hate."
No thanks. The endless mockery opportunities have us all quite entertained enough.
Sorry sweetie. You seem to be a wee bit confused. This is not hatred, it's ridicule.
Never mind though.. I'm sure NEXT year will be the year of Windows what ever version they are inflicting on people against their will by then.
For the ritual MSFT two-minute hate.
Good heavens no, I wouldn't give it that much time, less stand up for it.
I will merely have a beer and then agree with Garry Perez's clear and concise opinion on this matter. There is really no need to add anything else.
To me, that was an Open Source opinion: useful, very much to the point, devoid of BS, eminently usable and adaptable by anyone who wants to.
Things like security, if you copy over notepad.exe (and who doesn't) you now have to go in and edit the permissions or it won't run.
From a malware point of view that's good. It's fast has hell, even on my old laptop running 10 out does my current one on 7.
BUT I still hate it, I hate the looks I hate the start thingy. I hate the loss of control, I hate the online.
My PC is mine, Its part of my personality, its customized the way I like it. I hate letting others use it (as its a thinkpad I disable the touchpad, that usually gets them)
The privacy/cloud/online accounts makes in not mine in some way? And even when I turned all that off it turned its self back on.
"I can't let you do that Dave"
Unfortunately this is the way everything is going, we can hold out in windows 7 for a few years, but then we the El Reg comentards can go Linux. But our mums will still be bewildered by MS, and we'll still have to help them. Even if we do bang our heads against the screen in frustration.
I'm going to sit in a corner and cry now.
Shirley, things like the executable 'protection' above could be backported to 7 without too much dram? Oh that's right, 7 is old hat now.
Well MS, I too have used and deployed your Operating Systems on many thousands of machines over the last 30 years, and this 10 thing will go down as a bigger fiasco than the 'Windows Vista Ready' cockup.
I currently manage a government network of about 8000 nodes that is not internet connected - for many reasons. Windows 10 is just wrong on too many levels to be even considered for testing in this environment. Not only that, but with all the telemetry stuff going into 7, we're fighting to prevent the current fleet from wasting it's time trying to phone home...
Nice work - alienating the corporate customers
(Opinions are my own, but I suspect that they are consistent with that of many others)
Things like security, if you copy over notepad.exe (and who doesn't) you now have to go in and edit the permissions or it won't run. From a malware point of view that's good.
If it is still running Win 10 and not self-delete the installation it's not doing its job as far as I'm concerned. I am not interested in "safe" execution if the "safe" it executes is spyware in itself. That's like a government approved spy virus allowed through by a virus checker.
On the plus side, Microsoft's campaign to make Win 7 and 8 more attractive is clearly working. I would have never believed it possible... :)
I put my technically-clueless mum on Ubuntu a couple of years ago after Windows ground to a near halt and her browser became more toolbar than web page; ironically, the only calls for help I get now are because Hotmail (or whatever M$ call it now) has messed up her email...
I'm still running XP. It runs my games, and TurboTax. That's about all I need it for. But now that game developers are starting to port their games to Linux (thanks Steam?) I might just have to go back to using pen and paper for taxes...
> Unfortunately this is the way everything is going, we can hold out in windows 7 for a few years, but then we the El Reg comentards can go Linux. But our mums will still be bewildered by MS, and we'll still have to help them. Even if we do bang our heads against the screen in frustration.
Hey, could always go for a MSWin-clone like ReactOS. They're expecting to have a v1.0, fully XP-compatible release available in about 10 years from now....
Unless you follow Nanny's rules you may lose your data. Nanny being MS.
Is it any wonder that a good number of commentards here have thrown in the towel and said sayonara to MS for good since W10 came out. We can't be bovvered fighting it any longer and have better things to do with our lives.
Actually I've been reading a few articles in other sites and forums (fora? forii?) regarding this and it looks like the shills and apologists are now out in force trying to limit the damage caused by Microsoft's arrogant actions with W10.
They insist that a lot of what is being said (especially some of the stuff here) is either exaggerated (I told you a million, billion times...) or even false and give all sorts of reasons why Microsoft needs its "telemetry" and so forth.
While I know where I stand in all this and have spoken out about it, I suspect that this whole business is far from over.
In fact I can see this rumbling on for quite a while yet, especially once the corporates start getting in on the action. Believe me, there is more than one corporate IT bod out there that will swallow Microsoft's bullshit whole and ask for second helpings. (I even briefly worked for one, so I know whereof I speak!)
it looks like the shills and apologists are now out in force trying to limit the damage caused by Microsoft's arrogant actions with W10
Well, we managed to already spike one of their attempts at trying to bullshit (see the followup comment), so let them come.
This, I reckon, is Microsoft's major problem: the grownups here have been around long enough to have heard it all already, and the experience has never really been positive. That is a legacy of destroyed trust that is not going to go away because you throw out some new MBA words, especially not if you then proceed to make it appear that those NSA hooks found years ago are now going to be a very active part of the user experience.
Still need Windows to play my games but need to keep windoze for office is decreasing.
I am pretty agnostic on media server OS as reliability is more of a consideration here.
Most of my usage is now Ubuntu 15.04 on desktop now although I have experimented with a number of other distro's. Quite good enough for me, even on an old NC10 netbook, and despite purist mutterings on pros and cons of different boot strategies - its a desktop so I don't care!.
Any chance we could have a Windows article that isnt full of "linux is so much better" comments?
Good for you, you like to use Linux. I like to use Windows, it is essential to my job, puts food on my table, pays for my mortgage (so I dont live with my mum still) and pays for my social life, that isnt spent dribbling over a kernel.
Good for you, you like to use Linux. I like to use Windows, it is essential to my job, puts food on my table, pays for my mortgage (so I dont live with my mum still) and pays for my social life, that isnt spent dribbling over a kernel.
Hmm, so it would appear. Mind you, the last post I saw from you didn't appear to be particularly forthcoming about what you found better about one version of Windows against another so why should anyone take any notice when you try to criticise a thread's contents, an operating system or whatever?
I've written a lot over the last few months, especially about Windows 10 and Linux, and I'm sorry for boring some of you if that's how it seemed, but I try to give my reasons for my views on a particular system and help if I can. Even if that means dribbling over a kernel (though I forget how long it has been since I last needed to do that!)