back to article Nigerian government site popped, used for phishing scam

Malfeasants have embedded a phishing scam inside the Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria's web site. The Council is legit: it's Nigeria's accounting standards and corporate governance oversight organisation. That role, says Netcraft, doesn't make it a wizard at information security, because someone's found their way in to …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I thought it was a phishing site to start with !

  2. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    On average

    On average, that phishing image has reduced the net corruption of the Nigerian government by a small but real amount.

  3. Graham Marsden


    ... the irony!!

  4. Thrud61

    "Financial Reporting Council of Nigeria" sounds like a made up organisation to me anyway

    I'm glad someone pointed this out, as I would have trusted the Rev. Dr. Sean Connery the third, had the form for my bank details been on an official Nigerian government site, though I'm not sure how I would know it was a real one.

  5. Peter Simpson 1


    Why would anyone in their right mind, have anything to do with any email that even mentions the country?

    I have nothing against the country, but its reputation as a global nexus of spam and scams precedes it.

    My next thought, is that if you happen to be a Lad from Lagos, trying to get rich quickly, why on earth wouldn't you pretend to be from...Chad? Italy? New York?...instead of Nigeria, which sets off all kinds of alarm bells.

    1. John Tserkezis

      Re: Nigeria

      "My next thought, is that if you happen to be a Lad from Lagos, trying to get rich quickly, why on earth wouldn't you pretend to be from...Chad? Italy? New York?"

      Not only do they do that, they also live in other countries to run the scam. But the form is usually exactly the same, and the money goes back to Nigeria anyway. I've heard of some native Nigerian's living here in australia running Social Engineering scams too.

      I'm constantly told most Nigerians are not like that, but considering most of them live in third-world squalor and don't have internet access anyway. There's only a relatively few of the bastards who run the scams, but they make the most of the noise, and make most of the money.

      And the Nigerian Goverment likes it like that. They mostly look the other way when money comes into the country, because it's spent there anyway. Occasionally, they run the scammers off into jail, but they're few and far between, and it's chump change to make it look like they're doing something about it. Meanwhile, all those who live in third-world condtions still do.

  6. Ugotta B. Kiddingme

    scambaiting win

    A number of years ago, someone scambaited a Nigerian crew into reenacting Monty Python's Dead Parrot Sketch. The rest is internet history...

  7. Displacement Activity

    Unsupported Joomla?!

    *All* Joomla versions are unsupported. Seriously. And please don't down-vote me unless (a) you've attempted a site in all of versions 1, 2, and 3, and (b) you've been dicked about by completely incompatible "upgrades", and (c) you (very) occasionally get completely pointless "security updates" which contain no useful information whatsoever, and (d) at least one spotty adolescent has told you that it doesn't need documentation because it's Open Source, therefore you read the source and write your own documentation.

    1. Hans 1

      Re: Unsupported Joomla?!

      I don't know joomla, or better, have never used it, but it does sound really atrocious, maybe they could do with some help, then, from somebody with the know-how, maybe you, Displacement Activity?

      You could contribute some documentation, for example.

      Incompatible upgrades ? Sounds like they have hired some of the Gnome 3 bastards, that does!

  8. Jonathan 27

    My spam filter already rejects all email containing the word "nigeria", "nigerian" or any similar mispelling.

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