Nice Try Microsoft
I really cannot see this working. First, do we really want to trust the beast with our enterprise software? Second, who takes responsibility when bugs/viruses/hidden bots etc attack member's systems? A finally, for now at least, what happens when the mighty ones' cloud systems fail?
Microsoft has to realise that this is not like Google's play store with lot's of little apps performing one-off tasks like logging your position and sending a text; this is BIG stuff. Would you like your bank to be using stuff it found on an app store? Look at VW's has problems with a software "feature" in it's ECU. That is small potatoes compared to a large scale, cross continent, plc debacle with Microsoft saying "it wasn't our fault" or "we were making the system a more immersive experience.".
Windows 10 is looking more like a part of Microsoft's corporate bot every day.