... are a fucking menace. Datarape gone mad.
This is the final straw for me. I'm going to clone my windows 7 boxen and unplug them from the net forever. I had to do that with WinXP, and it's worked out fine. I have a Gold standard image to which I can revert if any problems come up. I don't tend to install new software, unless I really have to, and of course, if it is compatible with XP (which most is).
I run audio software so can not rely on Linux, and to be honest, it's all a bit of a relief. This is the impetus I need to take it further and get serious with these motherfuckers. Camel's back and all that.
I have a massive amount of paid for software and I only use maybe 30 percent of it regularly, I certainly don't need more when I have software I bought years ago that I have still not even downloaded. I was a total crack head, then I went and bought every single thing I ever used. Thousands I have spent.
I will use my Linux Mint Debian Edition for surfing and mail (as I already have a dual boot) and this is another relief too as recently the internet has stopped working. No, really, it has. For example, the Indy just went to that bloated web api that the Guardian went to, that the BBC is now using. It's designed for mobile OS and is a total resource hog. In fact, the internet just does not work properly at all whichever browser I use on windows 7. It works fine on Linux.
I also like to use Linux for web development, preferring the tools available. I can still program my Drupal of wtf off line of course on an offline version of Windows. So that ain't a problem either. I have avoided everything Microsoft so far because of eventualities like this. I got bitten by using Visual J++ for web development for Java applets all those years ago. Did they work on Netscape Navigator - NO. But they did work on IE. That's because Microsoft embraced and extended and tried to extinguish. That's the trouble with free tools like that (or OS) they are not free.
My folks are still happy using XP on a machine that is crawling along now on the net. I have warned them of the dangers, but they refuse to face up to the risk they are taking and have no intention of ever buying a new machine again by the looks of it. They did buy a laptop with win8 on it, but it is so slow it hardly works at all. I have actually paid for anti-virus software for them out of my own pocket because they refuse to do so. Still, that is their problem.
So thankyou for forcing the issue Microsoft. You know you will get away with it as well. Yes, there will be a revolution against you in the tech world, but you're all about the lusers now aren't you baby? And god knows you got enough of them hooked on your Redmond Crack/Crap.
I backed you up before in arguments where I was even called a Microsoft fanboy for merely trying to explain that I have much software that just will not run on OS other than theirs. I extolled the virtues of the PC in the holy wars that were Mac/Pc. But no more. It's a new day.
The whole securities/permission/UAC stuff is just a joke anyway. No one uses it. The developers don't make allowances for people running non-admin accounts - they simply just do not test for it. And over 90 percent of ALL users that use audio software run as full admin anyway, so they don't need to. What's more, a larger percentage of them actually connect to the net as well. Wide open and taking none of the (debated) advantages of the extra security built into the system.
I was wondering why one of my favourite VST manufacturers - Linplug - is discontinuing a major part of its product line. They made the point that soon that software may stop working with new OS upgrades. I know that we had a hell of a time sorting out stuff because of the Admin rights issue. In the end they just said "We advise you not to buy the software". Great attitude. I bought the software anyway. I wonder how much this recent debacle has forced their hand on this matter?
Btw, at the risk of being called a spammer, are selling off software that previously cost hundreds of pounds for just over a tenner and today happens to be the last day they will sell or support it, so if you want some top of the line drum machines or synthesizers for next to no scratch, you know what to do.
Just keep in mind, that some of that software won't work properly if you use certain built in security features on win7, and there is no promise it will work with the next windows update also.
I side with the smaller developers here. They are restricted by team size, time and budget as to what they can realistically come up with on a rolling release cycle. Microsoft don't have those restrictions, but just like the big bad bully on the playground they are, they just can not resist rubbing the smaller kids noses into the shit. The smaller devs took a big hit with regard to development for x64 systems, with the vocal minority demanding it and threatening not to buy any more software if they didn't take the time to factor in the extra compatibility. The majority of the rest of us have suffered as we have no need for x64 (even on an x64 OS like win7).
That's another argument for another day, but now they have this to contend with as well. How the hell are they supposed to be able to keep up?
I also heard a rumour that ASIO drivers will not work on win X, and I have to check that out, but nothing surprises me anymore at this point. My WinXP box is actually faster and more streamlined to use than win7 for audio anyway. In fact, win7 is a piss poor OS in itself. It's got major design faults with regard to UI design and is more bloated than a butchers dog. But it's compatible and it works well in other areas.
I could have written a rant. But these are just some of my feelings on the subject so far.
And oh yeah, fuck you Microsoft!
Fuck you for the very last time. You soon will be out of my life completely (effectively) and I won't have to put up with your crap anymore. This co-dependent relationship is just not working out for us anymore, is it?
Oh, and it's not me, it's you!