back to article Insert headline here for Microsoft Office tweaks

Just in time for a weekend that can't come soon enough, Microsoft has rolled out a handful of features for Office on Windows and OS X. The update includes browser plug-ins and increased support for Microsoft's Skype and Visual Basic, as well as a lower storage requirement for Office on Android. Here are some of the new …

  1. Jan 0 Silver badge
    IT Angle


    Wow! I'm so underwhelmed, I can hardly stand.

  2. Anonymous Coward

    Does this mean...

    Office macro virii for Mac Office? Just In Time for Halloween.

  3. MatthewSt Silver badge

    Insert headline here...

    I honestly can't work out if this is intentional or not.

    "Just in time for a weekend that can't come soon enough," -- Indeed!

  4. Your alien overlord - fear me

    Thought Chrome was dumping *all* extensions due to their security risks.

  5. Lamb0

    Insert headline here for Microsoft Office twerks


  6. steamnut

    Visual Basic?

    Adding Visual Basic support on Office 2016 seems like manner from heaven for the virus community. Access to users files etc. lovely.....

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    As an O365 corporate user/admin, it still baffles myself, and the average user, how Microsoft still doesn't have a basic feature in OneDrive, to allow a user to Share a Unique Folder and create a public URL to send to people. OneDrive personal has it? WTF Microsoft. We are a small company paying $18K/yr for O365 E3 plan, and the end-user is still using DropBox because this basic feature is implemented. What user wants to send 5 URL links to 5 files and not just 1 for the entire folder to a customer?? Duh. Microsoft of course has no answer. Won't even get started on how when you open the Admin console in O365 how there is always some alert/issues. Maybe 4 times in 2yrs the dashboard has been all green for O365/Exchange/EOP/Sharepoint. It is amazing when there isn't some "issue". At least it hasn't affected our connectivity and ability to do work for 99% of the time. That is the good part. So its been reliable the Exchange service. But the other Apps/OndDrive and features, useless. Seems like keystone cops, lack of leadership and talent working on their cloud platform. Implement one improvement, break something in the process.

  8. davemcwish

    CalDAV and CardDAV

    Lemme guess, still no support for the OSX variant.

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