OMFG Journaterropedolist
I find the extremists down south of (me/the rest of my country) are getting somewhat more intense in the ways and means of their extremism. Partly because they have an erection election coming up, and because of their internecine racial issues calling out things that make them uncomfortable in their skins.
Government for the people by the people was the idea, but now, unfortunately "the people", thanks to Citizens United, are the corporations. The corporations that *own* our southern neighbour's media, banks, food companies, transport companies, oil companies, and rather apparently the government in it's entirety.
"Journalism" comes in many flavours, and its quite apparent, to me at least, sitting up here in my igloo, feeding my sled dogs rejected american beef, burning oilsands pond scum, that many many journalists in the mainstream media are either enthusiastically supporting the "people", or are unfortunately subverted to the "people" that Citizens United created. Those few that do not toe the religious or political "line" painted by the Citizens United Peoples are not allowed into the mainstream and are often painted with the vituperative brush of "terrorist sympathiser" or "Feminist radical" or "Racial terrorist".
There are a couple of old world "news men" <sadly, they didn't have that many news women who could publish similarly> who've written books on the art of being a journalist in what is supposed to be a democratic society, and what it means to take the position of "respected journalist" seriously. Clearly - and more so every day - what we read in most media, even online, is coloured by not questioning the "line", or having swallowed the horseshit that is being, and has been spewed by american mainstream media, in all forms (entertainment, news, comedy, advertising) for at least 25 years.
For those few journalists who DO take their positions seriously we need to ensure that the "people" of Citizens United cannot buy, subvert, terrorize or otherwise suppress their alternate viewpoints.
While I'm certainly of the opinion that (IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) in Syria and Iraq is an organization that should not be allowed to succeed, one cannot completely suppress all contact with them. In fact, the position that "a journalist interviewing " a "terrorist" is in fact a terrorist sympathiser and "deserves to be shot" is something I'd rather expect from the IS/ISIS/ISIL/Daesh ruling class themselves, but this is the nature of extremism, in that one at the extreme cannot see itself.
Journalism should be keeping Enterprise, Government, Police and Judiciary in check, by being able to publish the cases where these elements of society are violating the rights of People, however when Enterprise owns Journalism, Police, Judiciary and Government, there is no chance of this happening. Sadly, social media <gag> gets more traction over here in getting the public to attend to issues of this nature, than do the media.
This episode simply underlines the largest set of problems in the world today. And folks like Boltar, x7, Dan Paul simply *cannot* see that they have already sacrificed themselves on the altar.