Support contracts are always more lucrative than hardware sales.
Pure Storage is giving away FREE flash arrays – but there's a catch
Pure Storage is offering a free flash array to new customers who take out a support contract. Pure_Offer_2 Channel e-mail from Pure According to a channel e-mail The Register has seen (above), this special offer ends on October 30th. We asked Pure whether this was true and International PR manager Julie André said: "We …
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Monday 26th October 2015 17:05 GMT Anonymous Coward
Re: Something Smells Purely Odd
Playing devils advocate here it's not as if there has been an announcement on their website - we have an email supposedly from one account rep or team to a partner or someone else?
Given the date was the 21st and their end of quarter is the 31st I don't think they have thousands of them but it seems a good idea to shift it if you can.
Monday 26th October 2015 20:30 GMT Anonymous Coward
That email smells like BS to me
Not sure why everyone is taking this supposedly "genuine" email from a Pure rep at face value.
Seems like total made up BS to me. It takes all of 1 minute to create a "real" looking forwarded email. Happy to share an email with y'all that I umm... received... from EMC PR that announce Donald Trump as the new CEO of DELL-EMC, so that you bored rumour junkies can have something else to talk about.
Get real people. Why would a newly IPO company, with revenue to report in just a few weeks, be giving away free gear, especially into new accounts.
Let's see some real evidence y'all.
Monday 26th October 2015 20:33 GMT Stephen McLaughlin
Good Strategy
If they have older inventory that needs to move, this is a good strategy. It will be very difficult to keep going at their 200% growth rate for a prolonged period and new customers are the key. I've been impressed with their flash arrays and think once they get in more data centers other IT folks will be impressed as well. They really offer a more affordable solution to EMC.
Tuesday 27th October 2015 13:26 GMT Anonymous Coward
Free up front, but still a taxing TCO
unless you are stern and disciplined enough to throw this away once the 12 months' warranty ends (you're not), you should be looking at a TCO - total cost of operation.
Storage TCO's are best calculated over 5 years. Sometimes 4, rarely 3 (due to migration, scalability, etc.).
The 5 year TCO for this product is still way beyond the competitive equivalents on the market today and the price points cross in less than 18 months.
How do I know? I've been involved with storage technologies for 18 years and currently consult and sell several storage product lines. Free is not free. You can get better performance and scalability for less elsewhere.
No, I don't work with, sell or recommend EMC products.