back to article OMG Captain Skywalker, here comes AMD's new Merlin Falcon doing Warp 9 to the Tardis

AMD will today unveil Merlin Falcon, its latest R-series processor aimed at industrial systems, medical devices, gambling machines, digital signs, military hardware, and so on. Think of Millennium Merlin Falcon as a cousin of AMD's Carrizo processor design, which is aimed at normal IT gear – laptops, tablets and desktops. …

  1. Voland's right hand Silver badge

    That would make for an excellent house server

    Add a couple of drives in RAID1 config and a boot flash and here is my dream house server upgrade. Pity it is least likely to be available for that particular purpose (at this rate it will probably end up being ARM if the SATA SOCs become more popular).

  2. Rob 5
    Thumb Up

    Bird of Prey

    Kudos for getting a reference to the old Richard Griffiths TV mini series in amongst the more contemporary ones.

    1. Graham Marsden
      Thumb Up

      Re: Bird of Prey

      Hibou et Minou allèrent à la mer,

      Dans une barque peinte en jaune-canari...

  3. Pisartis


    Shouldn't that be Chipzuki?

  4. Mage Silver badge
    Thumb Up


    So why not in all in one PC/Monitors, smart TVs, mini-PCI case media boxes, transportable workstations disguised as a laptop etc?

    1. Nick Ryan

      Re: Hmm

      My thoughts as well. The spec as read here screams "all-in-one", "set top box" and "media centre" to me. Sometimes I really wonder about the marketing of AMD and Intel (who also seem to be utterly clueless about this segment).

      1. P. Lee

        Re: Hmm

        It might depend on the heat output. For STBs you want fanless, high-temp capable kit.

  5. Alistair

    Apparently we're all

    Looking for a SFF all in one SOC for a mediacenter/homeserver.

    <can you guess my latest project in kordkutter paradise?>

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