Re: mind reading still required
coherent and realistic plan for resolving the complete mess that is the Middle East at lowest cost and minimum inconvenience (without resorting to WMD or "final solutions").
Big wall? (I discounted putting ecstacy in the water supply every day and burning copious quantities of weed on the evening, due to the likely religious objections from both sides.)
Realistically there is no way to resolve it - too many generations have killed each other over the same bit of turf. You're never going to see eye to eye and live peacefully with someone that blew up your children. [1]
To achieve lasting peace, you'd need a few decades with nearly no killing such that relations could normalise. No amount of talking to or discourse between these people [2] will achieve that - we have no words left unspoken over the preceeding generations and they have not achieved peace. Dialog will not deliver.
I've reluctantly come to the conclusion that you may as well spend your time trying to design a perpetual motion machine, as sorting out that conflict.
Peace in the ME, if it is to come, must come from them - it is not in the gift of the west to bestow. And that desire for peace will only become stronger than the mutual hatred once the killing and the loss become unbearable, and for that they would have to be allowed escalate to truly sickening levels [3].
So all we're left with is extreme solutions, or continuation. Minimising the impact on the rest of us more or less comes down to a very big very high wall - nobody in, nobody out, no news reports in or out either. Pop a drone over the top every 100 years or so and see if peace has happened yet.
Down voters, for inevitably they will come, please enlighten me as to your better solution, for I am genuinely interested. It isn't a problem AI can solve, because it isn't a problem perpetuated by lack of intelligence applied to it.
[1] I've been very careful not to mention race or religion or sides here. For the sake of argument lets just assume it applies equally to everyone.
[2] Still applies to all involved.
[3] Still with the applies to all sides gig. No dsicrimination here.