Re: DumbOne Else Re: @ Matt Bryant -- DumbOne Else This is the WTF of the millenium
"....No, Matt. I think that the political witch hunt that has been going on for over a year regarding Hillary's e-mails has been turned into a circus...." LOL the only circus is the desperate and repeated attempts of the Democrats to try and make out the Benghazi Committee is only interested in smearing Shrillary. Her email server is a separate potential breach of her own department's rules that just happens to overlap the Benghazi affair because she is suspected of sending emails relating to the attack using her private email, and then having them wiped off the server. The rules breach is serious enough that an ordinary employee would be fired for them. The transmission of classified information either with the classifying notice removed or to those unauthorised to receive such classified info is also a potential crime under the Espionage Act ( So stop trying to insist Shrillary is just some victim of a Republican plot.
"....Hillary wasn't working for the CIA, or the State Dept. ... or any other branch of the government. ...." US Secretary of State, do you think that might be some kind of government post? ROFLMAO at your blindness.
".....Do you claim to know something we don't?...." I suspect I know a great deal more than you will ever know, especially as you seem to be burdened with a set of socio-political blinkers.
"..... I expect more from you, Matt." Why would I give a hoot what you expect? I actually think your disapproval is a sure sign I'm on the right track and avoiding the mindless conformity, thanks.