Re: One small problem with all this....
One possible solution, could be to slice and dice the data into three encrypted chunks in the country where it is collected and then scatter those chunks in separate directions to countries around the world
So long as one of the receiving countries has either a minuscule of credibility or, and this is what I'm counting on, an utter loathing for the other receiving countries, then the three chunks could never be brought together by the intelligence agencies of any one country, or in the case of America, anyone who has a mind to.
Each chunk of data would have a unique address, and those three address's would be stored in the country of origin so that only the country of origin could bring the three data chunks together.
Considering the three chunks could be in any one of approaching two hundred countries, I think America would have a hard time pressurising the entire world to bow and give fealty.
Again, this hinges on the one aspect that must be addressed. AMERICAN COMPANIES CANNOT OWN THE SERVERS THAT THEIR CUSTOMERS DATA SITS ON.
They must buy the services of totally independent non American companies to hold the data otherwise the Patriot Act would negate everything.
Well there's my thrupence worth into the ring. I wonder how tame the agreed solution will be in comparison? Or, perhaps, Microsoft will be allowed to win its Ireland case (for now) and make everything appear possible without resorting to the biggest server sale in history?